


美式发音: [ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk] 英式发音: 








1.不对称的having two sides or parts that are not the same in size or shape

Most people's faces are asymmetric.大多数人的脸不对称。

2.不对等的not equal, for example in the way each side or part behaves

Linguists are studying the asymmetric use of Creole by parents and children(= parents use one language and children reply in another) .语言学家正在研究父母和孩子使用克里奥尔混合语时的不对等现象(即父母使用一种语言而孩子用另一种语言回答)。



na.1.The variant of asymmetrical

1.不对称 asylum n. 避难所,庇护所 asymmetric adj. 不对称的 atheism n. 无神论,不信神 ...

3.非对称 symmetric: 对称的 asymmetric非对称的 antisymmetric: 反对称的 ...

5.非对称式非对称式(asymmetric)协程,或称半对称式(semi-asymmetric)协程,又或干脆就叫半协程(semi-coroutine) 对称式(symmetric)协 …

6.非对称性非对称性Asymmetric)或公开金钥(Pubpc Key)加密 数位凭证(Digital Certificate) 安全性通讯协定 NTLM   如同上一节所 …

7.不对称虚拟又叫作不对称虚拟(Asymmetric),是在数据通路外的存储服务器上实现的虚拟功能。控制数据(Metadata)和存储数据在不同的数 …

8.非对称型最近有人开发非对称型(Asymmetric)超级电容,目的就是想提高储存电量,防止放电过快。到 Journal of Power Sources 查查看 …


1.Bubbles are usually asymmetric in shape: booms develop slowly but the bust tends to be sudden and devastating.泡沫的形状通常不对称:繁荣缓慢地成长,但是破灭的趋势却是突然而且毁灭性的。

2.It also has a unique asymmetric design for the front end, which gives it a futuristic look.同时,前端还是独特的不对称设计,看上去非常新潮。

3.Though not as common as in the past, a bit may be fitted with asymmetric nozzles, one large and two or more small nozzles.虽然不象过去那样普遍,钻头仍可能被装配非对称的喷嘴,一个大喷嘴,两个或多个小喷嘴。

4.Because separate keys are used for encrypting and decrypting messages, this form of cryptography is called asymmetric encryption.由于使用了不同的密匙进行加密和解密消息,因此这种形式的加密被称为不对称加密。

5.China's banks are cashed up and, in the face of a margin squeeze at home from the last asymmetric rate rise, raring to go.中国各银行资金充沛,而且,由于国内上一次的不对称加息导致其利润空间遭到挤压,它们急切希望走出去。

6.One is to directly product credit information, and by means of this mechanism, men can decrease information asymmetric in credit market.一种是对信用信息的直接生产机制,该机制可以减少信货市场的信息不时称;

7.The core question of the SMES credit facipty is asymmetric information and information costs.中小企业信贷融资的核心问题是信息不对称和信息成本问题。

8.Asymmetric autocatalysis occurs when a chiral product operates as an asymmetric catalyst for its own production.不对称自催化是指由不对称反应生成的手性产物自身作为催化剂的反应过程。

9.This two-tier architecture is called Asymmetric Massively Parallel Processing (AMPP), as shown in Figure 1.这种两层式架构被称为非对称的大规模并行处理(AMPP),如图1所示。

10."To my mind, this is a second example of asymmetric treatment to the disadvantage of existing shareholders, " he said.“在我看来,这是对现有股东不利的第二个区别对待的例子,”他表示。