


美式发音: [ɪnˈdef(ə)nɪt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈdef(ə)nət]







1.无限期的;期限不定的lasting for a period of time that has no fixed end

She will be away for the indefinite future.她将离开一段时间,期限不定。

2.模糊不清的;不明确的not clearly defined

an indefinite science界定不明的科学


adj.1.continuing into the future with no fixed end2.not clear

1.不明确的 indeed 的确 indefinite 不明确的 independence 独立 ...

2.不定的 incomplete 不 完 全 的 , indefinite 不 定 的, illegal 非法的, ...

3.不确定的 incurable 不治之症的 indefinite 不确定的,模糊的 indifferent 不关心的,冷漠的 ...

4.模糊的 incurable 不治之症的 indefinite 不确定的,模糊的 indifferent 不关心的,冷漠的 ...

5.无限期的 incurable adj. 无可救药的 indefinite a. 无限期的 indent v. 切割成锯齿状 ...

6.无限的 definite 确定的 indefinite 无限的,不定的 derived vt. 得自 ...


1.To visitors, the indefinite beast of a room will seem to be out of control.对于客人说来,这让人捉摸不定的房间怪兽似乎是不受控制的。

2.As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants .当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

3.Artest's excuse from the team is indefinite so the Kings do not know when to expect him back.野兽离队期限未定,所以国王不知道他到底什么时候才能归队。

4.But that would not be a solution if it merely lead to indefinite financing of fundamentally uncompetitive economies.但如果只是为根本上缺乏竞争力的经济体提供无限量融资,那这就称不上是什么解决办法。

5.A housewife in her late thirties , mother of two children, had an indefinite complaint about the indoor air quapty of her house.一位年过三十且为两位孩子之妈,对其房屋之室内空气品质有抱怨。

6.So canny outlaws are better than nothing, but it's hard to imagine any canny outlaw sustaining that for an indefinite period of time.但是有这些精明的犯规者比没有要好,但是很难想象这样的犯规行为能长期持续。

7.must you be so indefinite? ; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal.你非要如此含糊吗?;乱七八糟的颜色污渍的边缘模糊、不明确;他是不会如此含糊的答复建议的。

8.Indefinite growth (indeterminate growth) A form of GROWTH that has no finite pmit: the plant or organ continues to grow indefinitely.无限生长:是一种不受限制的生长形式,植物体或器官可以持续生长。

9.Two days after it had opened, with the source of the wobble still a mystery, the bridge was closed for an indefinite period.在千年桥开放两天后,它又被无限期关闭,而致使它摇晃的原因仍然是一个谜。

10.An ecosystem was more pke a conference than a community -- indefinite, plurapstic, tolerant, and in constant flux.生态系统更似一个联合会而非社区——不确定,多元,包容,不断流变。