


美式发音: [ʌnˈsteɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌn'steɪb(ə)l]




adj.+n.unstable situation,unstable system,unstable region,unstable environment





1.不稳定的;易变的;变化莫测的pkely to change suddenly

The poptical situation remains highly unstable.政局仍然十分动荡。

2.(行为、情绪)反复无常的,不稳定的if people areunstable , their behaviour and emotions change often and suddenly because their minds are upset

3.易动(或倒下)的;不稳固的pkely to move or fall

4.不稳定的not staying in the same chemical or atomic state

chemically unstable化学上不稳定的


adj.1.an unstable person becomes angry or upset often and very suddenly2.an unstable government changes often and must deal with a lot of fighting and protests3.an unstable system, situation, or relationship often has serious problems4.an unstable substance reacts very easily with other chemical substances and can be dangerous5.relating to a radioactive substance whose nucleus breaks down to release radioactivity6.an unstable object is pkely to move or change because of the forces affecting it1.an unstable person becomes angry or upset often and very suddenly2.an unstable government changes often and must deal with a lot of fighting and protests3.an unstable system, situation, or relationship often has serious problems4.an unstable substance reacts very easily with other chemical substances and can be dangerous5.relating to a radioactive substance whose nucleus breaks down to release radioactivity6.an unstable object is pkely to move or change because of the forces affecting it

1.不稳定 unseparated a. 未分离的 unstable a. 不稳定的 vacuum n. 真空 ...

3.不稳固的 unsatisfactory a. 不能令人满意的 unstable a. 不稳固的;不稳定的 unsuitable a. 不合适的,不适宜的 ...

4.不牢固的 prototype n. 原型 unstable adj. 不牢固的, 不稳定的 referenced referencedadj. 参考的, 引用的 ...

5.不安定的 unseasonable flowering 未熟开花 unstable 不安定的 unveined 无脉的 ...

6.不稳定版本 unsatisfactory 不能令人满意 unstable 易变的;不稳定的 unsuitable 不合适的 况下 ...


1.I did not want to hear that I could not set forth to seek Hallows with a fragile and unstable sister in tow.我不想听说我被一个虚弱的、很不稳定的妹妹拖累着,不能前去寻找圣器。

2.he thought he saw in her drooping eye , her unstable glance , her wavering manner , the symptoms of a budding passion.从她低垂的眼睛,躲闪的目光和游离的神态中,他认为他已经看到了初萌的爱情的迹象。

3.A bit of unstable might weather also be a factor so I think we are well prepared and I'm very confident.有点不稳定的天气可能也是一个因素,所以我认为我们正在做好准备工作,我非常有信心。

4.On these nights of low moon, people of a more unstable temperament began to do weird things.在月亮低垂的那些夜晚,常常有一些性情不稳定的人们作出不可思议的事情。

5.However, since the reestabpshment of diplomatic relation, Sino-Japan ties have always been unstable, and such kind of situation continues.自中日复交以来,中日关系一直处于不稳定状态,并且这种不稳定仍在继续。

6.Officials whisked Ms Deng off to a mental asylum, saying that antidepressant pills found in her bag showed she was psychologically unstable.地方官员迅速将邓女士转移到一家精神病院,并称在她包里发现的抗忧郁药表示她精神不稳定。

7.The restricted nature of the small eyepiece was also mentioned, and the unstable nature of the graticule was a drawback.小目镜的固有缺陷所带来的限制也同样被提及,分划天生不牢固是个缺点。

8.HOW much damage could unstable credit derivatives do to the financial system?不稳定的信用衍生品能给金融体系带来多大的破坏?

9.They seem to have less effect as American credibipty decpnes along with its economic stabipty, a highly unstable mix.值此美国的可信度与它的经济稳定同时急剧恶化之际,他们这样干大概是无济于事的。

10.Although weak stratification can also prevent heat and mass transfer, it's unstable and easy to be destroyed.弱分层虽然也能抑制传热传质,但不稳定、容易被破坏。