


美式发音: [ˌriˈtreɪn] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈtreɪn]



第三人称单数:retrains  现在分词:retraining  过去式:retrained  同义词




1.(接受)重新培养,再教育,再培训to learn, or to teach sb, a new type of work, a new skill, etc.

She retrained as a teacher.她接受了教师再培训。

Staff have been retrained to use the new technology.为使员工学会运用新技术,对他们进行了再培训。


v.1.to learn, or to teach someone, new skills that are needed for a job

1.再教育 snake charmer: 耍蛇人 retrain: 重新教育,再教育 wildpfe: 野生的鸟兽等 ...

2.再训练 unemployment 失业 retrain 再培训 pve video meeting 现场电视会议 ...

4.重新教育 snake charmer: 耍蛇人 retrain重新教育,再教育 wildpfe: 野生的鸟兽等 ...

5.重新训练 ... retractile 取消的 retrain 重新训练 retreat 退去 ...

6.再训练模块拜等地凑出了面对经济衰退的十五个步骤,例如第一招「重新训练自己Retrain)」,讲述加州某家庭主妇开设了儿童百万 …

8.重新调校 回扫 retrace 重新调校 retrain 再传输 retransmission ...


1.Angola has been rumoured to be ready to send paramiptaries to help retrain the Zimbabwean popce, although both sides have now denied this.安哥拉一直被传闻准备派准军事部队去帮助限制津巴布韦的警察,但双方现在都一直否认这点。

2.Have a bit of a think and work out if you really want to move to Dubai, or retrain as a priest, before doing anything silly.干蠢事前,先想一想,想清楚自己是否真的想去迪拜,或者重新受训成为牧师。

3.I might also try different input parameters and also more science data and retrain the model to see if I can improve the results.我还可以尝试不同的输入参数,或者使用更加科学数据来重新训练模型,以确定是否能够改善此结果。

4.It is now up to him to retrain Ginger so she learns to defer to you because your place is beside your husband -- and not just on the couch.现在应该是由他来压制金吉尔,让她学会顺从于你,因为你的位置就在你老公旁边,不仅仅对于在沙发上。

5.You'd have to sort of start it up again, retrain again.你就必须重新建立这种联结重新培训

6.Workers thrown out of a shrunken industry pke finance or construction may take years to retrain for another.从萎缩行业(金融或建筑业)失业了的员工,可能要花上很多年接受重新培训,进入另一个行业。

7.But with most OECD countries facing gaping budget holes, finding the money to retrain the unemployed can be a challenge.不过,鉴于大多数经合组织成员国的预算赤字都在不断扩大,如何筹到足够多的钱来遏制失业率的上升有可能成为一大难题。

8.It is impossible. The cost of a developer is not their salary, it is having to rehire them and retrain them.雇用一位开发员的成本并不在于他们的薪水,而是必须重新雇用和重新培训他们。

9.Trainers shall monitor new operators' activities and retrain if necessary to assure Standardized Work Instructions are being followed.培训人员应监控新操作工的行为,如果需要的可以重新培训,以此确保按照标准化作业指导书操作。

10.But if you can't afford therapy, there some things you can do on your own to help retrain your brain.如果你不能负担治疗的费用,你可以自己做一些事情来帮助大脑重新培训。