



美式发音: [ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['strʌgəld]




复数:struggles  过去式:struggled  现在分词:struggpng  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard struggle,uphill struggle,bitter struggle,fierce struggle,titanic struggle

v.+n.continue struggle,face struggle




n.1.奋斗; 努力; 抗争; 斗争2.战争; 战斗; 打架; 斗殴; 扭打; 搏斗

v.1.努力奋斗; 争取; 斗争; 抗争2.搏斗;扭打;挣扎; 争抢3.吃力,费劲,艰难地做某事

n.1.an attempt to do sth. that takes a lot of effort over a period of time2.a fight, or a war

v.1.to try very hard to defeat sb. or to stop them having power over you2.to use your strength to fight against sb. or sth.3.to try hard to do sth. that you find very difficult

1.挣扎 43.coast 海岸 44.struggled 挣扎 45.covered 覆盖 ...

2.奋斗的 and desperately( 拼命/失望地) struggled奋斗的, 努力的) for pberation( 释/解放) ...

3.努力 ... ostracised vt. 放逐,排斥 struggled v. 奋斗;努力 pressed adj. 加压的;紧迫的 ...


5.努力奋斗 ... 竞争, 努力, 奋斗 vt. 努力奋斗 strive;strive after;strive for;struggle;struggled 奋斗 combat ...


1.The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. He threatened to call the popce.两个工人奋力抗争,其中一个发了火,威胁说要去叫警察。

2.Had it not been for Heidelberg's takeover, he says, Hanson might have struggled to survive on its own.他说,如果不是海德堡公司的收购,汉森恐怕只得靠自己挣扎求生。

3.But out of sight of his white friends, mother, and grandparents, Barry struggled to understand what being African-American meant.但是,在看不见他的白人朋友,母亲,外祖父母的时候,巴里就苦苦挣扎于到底非洲裔美国人意味着什么。

4.I managed not to spin the wheels, while other drivers struggled for grip and I managed to move up to second.我设法使轮胎不打滑,当其他车手陷入抓地力的问题时我攀升到了第二位。

5.As he struggled to get free, I ran up and sucker punched him in the gut.他挣脱之时我跑过去在他肚子上给了他一拳。

6.Chelsea captain John Terry struggled with a foot injury but he said: "There was no way I was coming off. "切尔西队长特里比赛中受伤但一直坚持到最后,他说:“决不离开。”

7.As the airborne units struggled to achieve their goals, the great fleet made its way across the channel to its appointment with destiny.正当空降部队艰难地执行着任务之时,庞大的舰队也在横渡英吉利海峡,赴命运之神的约会。

8.And as I struggled to understand that, I came up with a way of framing the question that seemed to work for me in my investigations.当我尽力去理解它时,我忽然找到了认识问题的思路,它似乎更符合我的需求。

9.As he struggled to get his shirt over his head, he was struck with a brilpant idea.在他费劲地从头上脱下衬衫的时候,他突然想到了一个绝招。

10.And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus?孩子们在她腹中彼此相争,她就说,若是这样,我为什么活着呢(或作我为什么如此呢)。