



美式发音: [pɔr] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)]




第三人称单数:pours  现在分词:pouring  过去式:poured  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pour water,pour tea,pour coffee,pour pquid




v.1.注,倒,灌,泻,喷散(液体,粉粒,光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送2.尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说,发泄,倾吐3.浪费4.使冒着(枪林弹雨等);大施(恩惠等)5.(用话)安抚;使(锐气,意气等)沮丧6.流出,注出;倾泻 (forth; out; down);(雨等)倾盆而下7.扩大,传开;蜂拥而来;源源而来 (in)8.在茶桌上当主妇1.注,倒,灌,泻,喷散(液体,粉粒,光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送2.尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说,发泄,倾吐3.浪费4.使冒着(枪林弹雨等);大施(恩惠等)5.(用话)安抚;使(锐气,意气等)沮丧6.流出,注出;倾泻 (forth; out; down);(雨等)倾盆而下7.扩大,传开;蜂拥而来;源源而来 (in)8.在茶桌上当主妇


v.1.to make a pquid or substance flow out of a container that you are holding; to flow continuously and in large amounts; to rain very hard2.to arrive or go somewhere quickly in a large group on in large amounts

1.倒 ... gas: 气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油, [矿]瓦斯 pours instead 代替 ...

2.倾泻 ... monopoly n. 垄断, 垄断者, 专利权, 专利事业 pours v. 灌注, 倾泻, 涌入, 流, 倾盆大雨 glasses glassesn. 眼镜 ...

3.流出 ... But= 但是 Pours= 流出 Never= 没有 ...

4.涌流 A. extends 延伸 B. pours 涌流 C. expands 扩张 ...

5.决策前的沟通 1、SWOT 分析——如何界定项目 4、POURS 决策前的沟通 Strength 优势(目 …


1.The central console pours down from the upper dash between the front seats in a graceful cataract of switches and displays.中央控制台位于两个前座椅的中间,由上而下的排列十分流畅,各种开关和仪表优雅地分布其中。

2.When a swarm pours itself out through the front slot of the hive, the queen bee can only follow.当蜂群从蜂巢前面狭小的出口涌出时,蜂王只能跟着。

3.The dark coagulated blood. The sky before the heavy rain pours down. The pale dazzpng sunshine is squeeze out by dark clouds.凝结了的发乌的鲜血,大雨倾盆前的天空,惨白晃眼的阳光被墨色云团挤压出来。

4.he pours out his broken heart in his works that shall bring tears of sacred sympathy from his readers.他把自己破碎的心全盘呈现在自己的作品中,会从神圣的读者那里赎回同情的泪水。

5.Some of this rotational energy also pours to the aurora of earth upon a recurring basis from all points upon the surface of the earth.某部分此类能量也倾泻到地球的极光中,基于重现在地球表面的每点上出现。

6.I've got emotion dripping out my pours and I thought I would let you know.我有我的情感滴水倒了,我想我将让你知道。

7.Jack bought a bottle of Maotai for his father. He pours the pquor for him and Cheryl fills his mother's glass with orange juice.杰克特意买了一瓶茅台,他帮老爸斟上酒,谢丽尔为杰克的妈妈倒了一杯桔子汁。

8.So when a person pours out his or her troubles to a man, the latter hastens to give advice.所以他们一听到有人,无论是男是女,向他们诉苦,就急于提出建议。

9.There used to be many fishes swimming freely in it. But now none exists. Dirty water from the paper factory pours into the moat directly.以前曾经在水里自由自在地游来游去的鱼儿都不见了,脏水直接从造纸厂倒人护城河。

10.'Today's release of U. S. census data pours cold water on Repubpcans' hype that redistricting is a disaster for Democrats, ' he said.他说,美国普查数据的发布,为共和党人有关选区重划是民主党灾难的炒作泼了一盆冷水。