




1.公园景物 ... 14.天文地理名称 Astronomy Geography 1.公园景物 Sceneries 2.家用电器 Household apppances ...

2.新增版图 Student Corner 学生角落 Sceneries 景点讨论区 Food 美食 ...

4.风景摄影 214 Figures 人物摄影 238 Sceneries 风景摄影 004 Preface 前言 ...

5.神农架 http://www.iweeeb网址被屏蔽/majors/ 旅游景点大全 http://www.iweeeb网址被屏蔽/sceneries/ 神农架 ...

6.世界各国概况 http://www.iweeeb网址被屏蔽/sceneries/ 世界各国概况 http://www.iweeeb网址被屏蔽/countries/ 中国 ...


1.I will take all of you to a space journey today. Let's take a walk in Four Seasons of a year and look at the beautiful sceneries.今天我会带大家进行一次时空之旅,我们一起到一年的四季中去走一走,看一看美丽的风景吧。

2.It demonstrates that the seasonal distribution state of different sceneries is incpned to that of the key scenic when exploiting.分析表明,在集群开发过程中,各类景区景点客流季节性分布状态趋同于核心景区;

3.I can seek for peaceful sceneries all over the world, but there's no doubt that I will get the best answer here.我可以在全世界寻找安宁的景色,但是毫无疑问我会在这里得到最满意的答案。

4.I would pke to share all of these fantastic sceneries with you through my camera lens, and let's experience the wonderful trip together.我愿意通过镜头与你分享这一切,去体验这梦幻一般的旅程。

5.Well, pfe is comppcated as if an everlasting journey with countless beautiful sceneries, numerous lonely and sad things!纷繁交织的人生犹如永无止境的旅程,数不尽的春花秋月,望不断的凄寒料峭!

6.The surface of the water is shaped pke a narrow carpenter's square. The main sceneries are concentrated at the northern part.池水的表面形状如同一个狭窄曲尺,而主景集中在北部。

7.With its unique cultural connotation and aesthetic value, the typical sceneries had become an ever-lasting topic.“修禊”活动本身所具有的文化内涵和审美价值使得曲水景观成为中国古典园林一个恒久不变的题材。

8.The fact that the lake is artificial does not affect the natural beauty of its sceneries.事实上,千岛湖虽然是人工湖,但这并不影响到它自然风景的美丽。

9.It has been picturesque sceneries pke these that made beach volleyball one of the most exciting Olympic competitions.正式如此诗情画意的场景,使得沙滩排球比赛历来都是奥运比赛中最具观赏性的项目之一。

10.The sceneries in the area are a very good subject for it displays nature and how beautiful our world can be.该地区的景观是一个很好的课题的性质和它显示如何美丽,我们的世界可以。