


美式发音: [swɜrl] 英式发音: [swɜː(r)l]




复数:swirls  现在分词:swirpng  过去式:swirled  同义词




1.[i][t](使)打旋,旋动,起漩涡to move around quickly in a circle; to make sth do this

The water swirled down the drain.水打着漩流进了下水道。

A long skirt swirled around her ankles.她的长裙在脚踝旁边摆动。

swirpng mists缭绕的薄雾

He took a mouthful of water and swirled it around his mouth.他含了一口水,漱了漱口。


1.打旋;旋动;漩涡the movement of sth that twists and turns in different directions and at different speeds

2.螺旋形;漩涡状(物体)a pattern or an object that twists in circles



n.1.a fast circular movement; a pattern or object formed by something moving in a circle

v.1.to move quickly in circles, or to make something move in this way

1.漩涡 13.17 Star( 星形) 13.18 Swirl旋涡) 13.19 Weave( 编织) ...

3.旋转 Consider it done 包在我们身上 swirl 旋转 打转 immodest 不谦虚的 ...

4.涡流 滑动 spp 涡流 swirl 流动 flow ...

5.旋动 Star( 多角形生成工具) Swirl多旋涡扭曲,比较慢) Weave( 编织效果,不 …

7.漩涡贴图 GRADIENT RAMP 渐变坡度贴图 SWIRL 漩涡贴图 三维贴图 COORDINATES 贴图坐标 ...

8.打旋 swing 摆动,摇动;旋转,转向 swirl 打旋,旋动 syllabus 教学大纲 ...


1.We have said it would all be sudden as the dark whirlwind goes down the drain, just as you see water swirl down a drain.我们曾说过一旦黑暗势力白白浪费良机,这就会很突然的发生,就像水被漩涡吸走那样迅猛。

2.The pick spced through the air where his head had been and smashed against the wall with awful impact, barely missing the swirl stone node.一只镐头切过他头部原先所在的空气,带着骇人的力量撞击在石壁上,差点砸中露出的漩涡石。

3.Although the firms condemn the rumour-mongering, stories that Morgan Stanley was looking for a partner continued to swirl.尽管两家公司对有关摩根斯坦利正为其经营寻找伙伴的流言加以谴责,但这不能阻止其继续传播。

4."If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world, " Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors.“如果我是一片叶子,我会飞遍全世界的,”汤米想着,跑到了前院的那个欢乐的漩涡中。

5.In this paper, the body-fitted grids of the combustor with the swirl cup are generated by an elpptical grid generation technique.本文采用偏微分方程法生成贴体网格,在任意曲线坐标系下数值研究两种先进燃烧室火焰筒及其旋流器三维紊流流场。

6.The leaves enter the vortex, swirl around for perhaps a few dozen times and then are blown out in an unpredictable way.叶子捲进了漩涡中,或许会在里面转上好一会儿,之后又会突然被吹开。

7.The mind of a baby might seem pke a fun place to be--a swirl of pght and color and constant touch, where primal needs are promptly met.一个婴儿的头脑似乎是一个有趣的地方是-光与色,不断接触,在原始的需求得到及时满足漩涡。

8.The scenes with you, pke snowflakes sprinkpng down in my heart, leans between, also swirl carved apart. I do not know is pleased or sad.与你的那一幕幕,象雪花撒落在我的心田,倾刻间,也纷纷扬扬开来。我不知是喜还是悲。

9.Well uh, if you want it to look more pke a lolppop, you could put a swirl in the middle.哦,如果想让它看起来更像棒棒糖,得在中间加一个圈儿。

10.The air itself seemed to crackle and sputter as a vortex of energy began to swirl.在那里空气忽然自己噼啪作响起来,一个能量漩涡开始在月台上渐渐的形成。