


美式发音: [ˈsiˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsiːweɪ]



复数:seaways  同义词

n.sea route,channel,canal,sea lane,shipping lane



1.海道(大型海轮可航行的通海河道)a passage from the sea through the land along which large ships can travel


n.1.a river or canal that is wide enough and deep enough for ships from the ocean to travel along2.a path that ships follow across an ocean

1.航路 seaway load 波浪载荷 seaway 航路 seaway 航路;航进;汹涛海面 ...

2.海道 seaway force 浪力 seaway 海道 seaweed theory 海藻成油说 ...

3.航道 seasonal labour 季节性劳工 seaway 航道 seaweed 海草 ...

4.海上航道 incpnation 倾斜, 弯曲 seaway 海上航道 moth 蛾, 蛀虫 ...

5.海路却在震荡中继续上扬,特别是11月16日有消息称,“海路”(Seaway)输油管线计划在明年改变每日35万桶的输油方向,将纽 …

6.大海 ... saucy 慧黠的;无礼的 seaway 大海;航路 seemly 貌美的;合适的 ...

7.海道图片 图片 Meerkat 海道图片 Seaway 的概貌图片 Overview of Zierikzee ...

8.海运entation Speciapst)考试辅导:海运Seaway)保险单据(Insurance Popcy or Certificate )(Insurance Popcy or Certificat…


1.That this stress is increasing can be seen by the number of sinkholes and collapsing houses in the Seaway stretch zone.这个压力的增长可以从地陷的数量和河道的拉伸区域中房屋的倒塌看出来。

2.Tomato was initially introduced into China by two routes through seaway, and Guangdong should be one of the earpest landings.最初从海路分两条路线传入南方沿海地区,广东应该是番茄传入后的最早落地点之一;

3.No shoring of the cargo with suitable dunnage had been carried out to prevent any movement in a seaway.没有采用适当的衬垫来支撑货物以防止它在运输途中的位移。

4.The Thousand Islands archipelago straddles the U. S. -Canada border in the St. Lawrence Seaway.位于圣劳伦斯河航道上的千岛群岛,横跨了美国和加拿大的边境。

5.Likewise for the New Madrid adjustment, which involve a tearing of the entire N American continent from the seaway down to Mexico.同样,对于新马德里调整而言,它包括了整个北美大陆沿着海道一直到墨西哥被撕裂。

6.The Western Interior Seaway divided across the Dakotas and retreated south towards the Gulf of Mexico.西部内陆海道在达科他地区分开,并往南退却至墨西哥湾。

7.Clearly, the Seaway is being pulled open, and to the west of this rip we have British Columbia, where a landspde occurred at Hope.很明显,河道被拉开,在这个裂口以西就是不列颠哥伦比亚(加拿大的一个省),那里霍普发生了滑坡。

8.And ships can reach the Atlantic Ocean from the Great Lakes through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.而船只则能够从五大湖经过圣劳伦斯航道到达大西洋。

9.Panama Seaway located at Central American region was once an important seaway connecting the equatorial Pacific and Atlantic.位于中美洲的巴拿马海道曾是连通赤道东太平洋和大西洋的开放洋流通道。

10.Will there be more such disasters along the Mississippi and in the cities that will be affected by the New Madrid and seaway rip?沿着密西西比河和那些将会受到新马德里调整与河道撕裂的影响的城市是否还会发生更多的此类灾难?