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1.贤 吴汉一 Oh,Han-Il 玄锡九 Hyun, 金光培 Kim, ...


1.Ki Hyun Ryu was a character designer, and JM animation was one of the two Korean Animation Studios for the original series.KiHyunRyu是一名角色设计师,而JM动漫是曾参与过原片制作的两家韩国动漫公司之一。

2.It was your first stage with Kim Hyun Joong. What kind of person is Kim Hyun Joong when you see him in person?是第一次同金贤重同台吧?说说你眼中的金贤重是个什么样的人吧。

3.SS501 Kim Hyun Joong expressed that if he dates a girl, he would be prepared to be with her till death do them part.SS501金贤重表示如果他与女生谈恋爱,他将做好只有到死才能把他们分开的准备。

4.Japan and South Korea were "in lock step" , he said after meeting Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's president, for a summit meeting in Seoul.在首尔与韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)举行峰会后,安倍晋三表示,日本和韩国“步调一致”。

5.Retro streets of Florence HIP-HOP, Hyun to the best of you, to your style . . .复古的佛罗伦萨街头HIP-HOP,炫出你的精彩,耀出你风格…

6.No matter how good Kim Dong-hyun was on the field, the chances of his getting an amnesty and a recall to the national squad are long.无论金东铉在场上的表现多么出色,他获得大赦并被重新召回国家队的机会极其渺茫。

7.By raising the idea of a tax, Mr. Hyun said Mr. Lee was trying to show that concrete action is also needed.玄仁泽表示,李明博是想通过提出征税的想法证明,统一也是需要具体行动的。

8.South Korean actor Hyun Bin and actress Song Hye-kyo officially announced that they had broken up in January, their agencies said Tuesday.韩国影视明星玄彬和宋慧乔所在的经纪公司周二发表正式声明说,玄彬与宋慧乔已于今年一月分手。

9.But last week's message said the South may use the Cheonan incident as a pretense for war, Hyun said.但HyunIn-hye说,上周的指令称,韩国可能会以“天安”号事件为借口挑起战争。

10.Roh Moo-hyun and his wife stepped forward to extend cordial greetings to the guests.卢武铉和夫人迎上前去,向他们致以亲切问候。