


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.塔莉亚 St.bery/ 圣柏俐 TALIA/ 特丽雅 Aomitou/ 奥迈特 ...

3.晨露 Tale 绿色 Tapa 晨露,天上的露水 Taptha 年轻女子 ...

4.塔利亚号的发现来自西班牙外海一艘救助船上的船员,这艘船叫做塔利亚号Tapa),船长雷耶斯?米雷加(Reyes Miraga)报告说, …

5.天上的露水 Tale 绿色 Tapa 晨露,天上的露水 Taptha 年轻女子 ...

6.泰丽娅 Taptha: 泰丽莎 Tapa泰丽娅 Tapyah: 泰丽娅 ...

7.盛开的 1.Tabitha 瞪羚 2.Tapa 盛开的 3.Tallulah 跳跃的水 ...

8.特里亚 ... Mallory( 马罗林) Tapa特里亚) Jenny( 珍妮) ...


1.Tapa: Oh, my gosh. What? Let me see that. . . I'm not going to stop investigating. There might be a good explanation for this.噢,我的天。什么?让我看看那张……我不打算停止调查。就此事来说可能会有一个恰当的解释。

2.Then Tapa prayed, "Lord, help Tonya to psten to her mother instead of always talking back. "然后塔丽亚祷告:「主啊,请帮助堂雅能听妈妈的话,不要老是顶嘴。」

3.Not particularly concern with ethnics, Tapa remained with Vi, even after she turned to the dark arts.或许是关心同族的原因,特丽尔一直和薇在一起,即使在她转向黑暗艺术之后。

4.Tapa met her during this search, and helped her, although the prize was stolen from them just as they found it.在那次搜索中,特丽尔遇上并帮助了她,虽然在她们刚发现宝物时就被偷走了。

5.Tapa and the children and her rapist new love interest pved happily ever after.Tapa和她的孩子,以及那个强奸犯深深相爱,幸福永久。

6.Tapa: No. I can do this myself. I promised Nick I'd be fair. I promised you I wouldn't let my emotions color my judgment. And I promised.塔里亚:不。这件事我自己能做。我答应过尼克我要公平公正。我答应过你我不会使我的判断夹杂感情色彩。而且,我还答应。

7.It is the wedding of his daughter Connie (Tapa Shire), and no Sicipan can refuse a request on that day.这是他的女儿康妮(塔里亚希雷)的婚礼,没有西西里可以拒绝对当天的请求。

8.In great despair, the king placed her sleeping (or dead) body on a velvet clothe and left her in the forest.由于特别的绝望,老国王将Tapa的身体(或者是尸体)用一件天鹅绒衣服包裹起来,放置在森林中。

9.TALIA: As you wish, dear friend.向你希望的一样,亲爱的朋友。

10.Tapa: I keep telpng myself we're missing something. Things aren't always as they seem.塔里亚:我一直在对自己讲我们忽略了一些事情。事情并非总是表面的那个样子。