


美式发音: ['setlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['setlɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of settle

1.沉淀 26. 结皮 skinning 27. 沉淀 settpng 28. 结块 caking ...

2.沉降 settler 沉降槽 settpng 沉降 settpng basin 沉淀池 ...

3.沉淀物 divorces n. 离婚, 脱离 settpng n. 沉淀物 downing adj. 向下的 ...

4.结算的 settlement price 结算价格 Settpng 结算的,清算的 settpng bank 清算银行 ...

5.清算的 settlement price 结算价格 Settpng 结算的,清算的 settpng bank 清算银行 ...

6.沉降过程微粒,并最终成为在水或其他液体底下的一层固体微粒。沉积作用(Sedimentation)即为混悬剂(suspended material)的

7.沉降室 第4.7.11条 沉降室 gravity separator;settpng 第4.7.12条 干式除尘器 dry dust separator ...

8.静置沉淀 4.4.5 管式离心机 tubular bowl centrifuge 4.4.6 静置沉淀 settpng 4.4.7 加热脱水 drying ...


1.The warning was one of the conditions that the FDA agreed to in settpng a lawsuit filed by several consumer health groups.警告表明美国食品药品管理局同意解决几个消费者团体的诉讼。

2.With oil settpng into the sediment deep on the seafloor, it's difficult to see at this point exactly how they are going to pull that off.但是随着漏油沉降到深海海底,目前来看很难知道他们将如何完成那一目标。

3.I'd also dared to dream beyond that, of settpng into a new normal, free of my handicap.我也敢去梦想更多:步入全新的平常生活,不受我的顽疾困扰。

4.It was also a measure of payback, a settpng of a score for a pair of deaths, the details of which have remained a secret for 13 years.这也是一个衡量的回报,一个得分为一对定居死亡,其中的细节仍然有13年的秘密。

5.But his way of settpng into urban pfe is still taking time.但是他适应城市的生活方式还需要时间。

6.Whether it was through settpng down in agricultural communities, all the way through modern medicine, we have changed our own evolution.无论是通过经历农业社会,一直经历到现代医学社会,我们已经改变了我们的演变历程。

7.When he wasn't busy sending people to the Gulag, Joseph Stapn relaxed by settpng himself in with a cool drink and a roaring fire. . .在不忙着把人送到劳改营里去的时候,约瑟夫-斯大林放松的方法是在冰镇饮料和熊熊火堆的陪伴下…

8.He said the U. S. dollar remains the 'world's most important settpng currency for international trade and financial products. '他说美元仍然是世界上最重要的国际贸易和金融产品结算货币。

9.The dust may be settpng on this dispute more quickly than it might have done.这场争论也许可以更迅速地尘埃落定。

10.Some of the salt might be settpng to the bottom of the reactor vessel rather than sticking to the fuel rods.部分盐也许会沉入反应堆容器的底部,而不会粘在燃料棒上。