


美式发音: [kaɪl] 英式发音: [kaɪl]






n.1.a narrow passage of water between two areas of land

1.凯尔 kybernetics 控制论 kyle 海峡 kymatology 波浪学 ...

4.凯儿 柯恩- Coryn 凯儿Kyle 丽莎- Lisa ...

5.凯勒 仔仔莔 rz 凯勒 kyle 凯勒 kyle 5-25 ...

6.凯利 [57:57,24]我是福雷斯甘 I'm Forrest Gump. [58:01,18]凯利 Kyle. [58:04,18]尼科斯 Nichols. ...

7.卡仪 歌莲 Coryn 卡仪 Kyle 莉莎 Lisa ...


1.It's true, Kyle was the leader, but only because he was more able to inspire those around him.尽管Kyle是正式的领袖,但这仅仅是因为他更善于鼓舞周围的人。

2.It is good that surgery will not be required but the next thing we have got to do give Kyle a bit of time over the next 24 hours.不需要动手术这很好,但下一步在未来24小时乃至更长我们必须给凯尔时间来恢复。

3.Like many teenagers, Kyle Brust makes it a point to do his homework as soon as he gets home.像很多小孩一样,凯尔·布鲁斯特一回家就决定做作业。

4.I was shocked to see Matt laying down and Jade waving at Kyle with a fake smile plastered on her face.我吃惊地看到马特放下玉在凯尔挥舞着她的脸贴假笑。

5.Kyle Zink, Square's marketing manager, added the system is been used widely and said the company has shipped half a milpon readers.Square的市场总监凯尔•辛克补充道,这套系统已经颇为普及,公司已经发了50万件读卡器的货了。

6.Kyle Katarn found Daye corrupted by the dark side of the Force by an unknown evil Force-user.凯尔·卡塔恩发现一个不明身份的邪恶原力使用者利用原力黑暗面腐蚀了达耶。

7.Kyle Blue, who campaigned against the scheme, said: "The countryside round here was far too special to be ruined by wind turbines. "凯尔·布鲁组织活动反对这项计划,说,“这里的农村周边地区太特殊了,不能让这些涡轮发电机毁掉了”。

8.Mr. Cox, the director of a foundation that Mr. Kyle created, said he did not know Mr. Routh.考克斯是凯尔所创立的基金会的主管。他说自己并不认识劳思。

9.Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.毕业那天,我看着凯尔,他看起来很棒,他是那种在中学充分实现了自我价值的那种人。

10.Cristine and Kyle said the first thing they wished to do as a married couple was to serve others.克莉丝汀和克莱尔说,他们成为夫妻后,想做的第一件事就是为他人服务。