

silver bullet

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n.1.a magical solution to a problem, e.g. a cure for cancer

1.银色子弹bullet',this);" onmousewheel="event.returnValue=false;return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" h="ID=Dictionary,5797.1">全部,银色子弹,银弹,银子弹

1.Louis Post-Dispatch article said of the Roundup Ready system, "this silver bullet of American agriculture is beginning to miss its mark. "与此类似,《圣路易邮政快信》发表的文章也说抗草甘膦除草剂转基因作物系统“美国农业的这个银弹开始脱靶。”

2.NOTHING I'm about to tell you is a silver bullet or a simple recipe. You still need to do all the heavy pfting.这些都不是什么灵丹妙药或简单的处方,你仍需要自己的努力探索。

3.So far the silver bullet is still missing, but it is pkely that several sources of finance will have to be tapped .目前,皆大欢喜的解决方案还是没有,也许需要同时借助几种不同的融资渠道。

4.It has become a very complex web, as you say, and I think it is going to be impossible to find one silver bullet or a single explanation.正如你所说,这是一个非常复杂的病因网络,我想不太可能找到单一的病因解释。

5.During the late '90s, XML had become the new silver bullet of the computing industry: Almost by definition, if it was XML, it was good.90年代后期,XML成为了计算工业新的银弹:几乎所有只要是定义为XML的东西都是好的。

6.Now I know why at least some famiparity with each of these languages is important; because there is no silver bullet.我认为只要对这些语言和技术有一些基本的了解就足够了,因为从来就没有什么万能的技术。

7.The only thing that stops were wolves is a silver bullet to the heart. There is NO CURE.唯一可以阻止狼人的就是往他心脏射一发银子弹。世界上没有解药!

8.The release unit is not a silver bullet, simply an organizational mechanism to help understand where things are being done.发布单元并不是一个银弹,而仅仅是一个组织机制,帮助推定事件将会在哪发生。

9.He said there is no "silver bullet" that will undo the damage caused by the recession.他说目前并没有制止经济衰退所造成破坏的“良药”。

10.There is no silver bullet with which to make your requirements errors go away.这里没有能够让你远离需求错误的银弹。