


美式发音: [rɪˈbʌt(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'bʌt(ə)l]



复数:rebuttals  同义词反义词





n.1.a statement showing or saying that something is not true; a refusal to accept that something is true

1.反驳 acquittal 宣告无罪,开释 rebuttal 反驳,反证 brutal 残忍的,严酷的 ...

3.辩驳 rebuttable 可辩解的 rebuttal 辩驳 rebutter 反驳者 ...

4.驳斥理由 ... nocturnal 夜的, 夜曲的 rebuttal 反驳:反驳的行为 upheaval 剧变 ...

6.反例cking) ,另外这个論点的限制或例外则 为R「反例」(rebuttal),整个结构如图1。

7.原告反驳 ... depiction 描写,叙述 rebuttal 原告反驳;举反证 a. 糖尿病患者 ...

8.反证理由「反证理由」(Rebuttal)是Dunn (1994:67)所谓的第二个结论、假定或论证,乃在排斥某种政策主张或立论理由的原因、假定或 …


1.More importantly, if I did write such a rebuttal, I'd risk being called a hypocrite by my own children.更重要的是,要是我真写下这么一篇檄文的话,我自己的孩子们就有可能会给我安上一个“伪君子”的头衔。

2.Brief rebuttal: No American president is going to treat an attack on Cairo or Riyadh as an attack on the United States.简捷反驳:没有一个美国总统会把对开罗或利雅得的袭击当作对美国的袭击来对待。

3.After my brief rebuttal we got into a procedural wrangle about which issues remained to be settled.在我简单地驳斥了一下之后,我们开始了哪些问题尚有待解决的程序上的争论。

4.My professors would be more eloquent in a theoretical rebuttal of that charge, but I want to counter it myself with a personal anecdote.我的教授能够更加流利地从理论上对这种指责予以驳斥,但我自己想借用个人经历进行反驳。

5.The prosecution's rebuttal witnesses are testifying in the Enron trial in Houston. The defense rested just a short time ago.休斯敦的安然案件原告的辩方证人正在作证。抗辩曾在不久前暂告一段落。

6.A rebuttal to someone who doesn't have the problem himself but is trying to offer advice.驳斥某人未曾体验某事之艰难,不明就里,却妄图给人忠告。

7.Though one story does not a rebuttal make, this one story is so apropos, I am going to lead with it.通过这个故事也许不能完全做出反驳,但我将会用它来说明一些问题。

8.For this, I provide further evidence and a claim which Dr. Fang had never in any way offered a rebuttal.对于这一点,我提供了进一步的证据,一个方博士从未以任何方式进行反驳的主张。

9.S. consumer. For the past decades, that has been a ready rebuttal against predictions of economic doom and gloom for America and the world.过去几十年来,对于唱衰美国和世界经济的预言,这一直是进行回击的一个现成的论据。

10.They laughed, and one of them wagged a forefinger back and forth in a joking rebuttal.她们也笑了,有一个还向他们嘲弄地伸出中指摇了摇。