


美式发音: [ælˈses] 英式发音: [ælˈsæs]





un.1.region and former province of France, situated west of the River Rhine.

1.阿尔萨斯阿尔萨斯(ALSACE) 位于东部莩日山脉东侧,隔莱茵河与德国相望,历史上曾几次被德国占领,其葡萄酒风格与德国葡萄酒极为 …

2.法国阿尔萨斯法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)地区出产的AOC级起泡葡萄酒, 以传统的香槟方法酿制, 以白比诺(Pinot Blanc)葡萄为主, 也可以用灰比诺(…

3.阿尔萨斯地区在阿尔萨斯地区(Alsace),莎斯拉(Chasselas)和希尔瓦娜(Sylvaner)等葡萄就种在像雷司令(Riespng)和琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer) …

4.阿尔萨斯省阿尔萨斯省(Alsace)位于欧洲各大主干线的交叉点上(法德瑞卢四国边境)。在长长的二十个世纪内,这一地区共变换了十七次统 …

5.阿尔萨斯区在法国东北部的阿尔萨斯区Alsace),过往曾长期是德国领土,说的语言都是德语­,400年内经过法、德两国的多番争夺及霸 …

6.法国阿尔萨斯地区澳大利亚或者法国阿尔萨斯地区Alsace)不甜且清爽的雷司令葡萄酒也是值得推荐的。有着清新的水果香味且非常细腻的雷 …

7.亚尔萨斯亚尔萨斯(alsace)、洛林(lorraine)、罗讷河沿岸和高原地带(阿尔卑斯,比利牛斯,中央高原)的半大陆性气候,冬季严寒,夏 …


1.Alsace is a cultural hybrid with its Germanic dialect and French sense of fashion, its love of foie gras and fine wine, beer and sauerkraut.阿尔萨斯是一种融合了日耳曼方言和法国时尚触觉的文化,热爱鹅肝和美酒、啤酒和(德国)泡菜。

2.For that day the master had prepared some cards on which were written, "Alsace, France; Alsace, France. "老师专门为那一天准备了一些卡片,上面写着:“法兰西,阿尔萨斯;法兰西,阿尔萨斯。”

3.Orders have come from Berpn to teach nothing but German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.柏林来了命令,阿尔萨斯和洛林两省的学校只准教德语……

4.One of the noblest of Alsace grapes, Pinot Gris produces a full, viscous, richly fruity style, often with a lush aftertaste.此酒由阿尔萨斯最高贵的葡萄品种酿制而成。口感饱满,果味丰富,回味醇美。

5.In the end, the party held on to Alsace, one of only two regions out of 22 in mainland France that it held beforehand.最终,联盟政党坚守住了阿尔萨斯——这是此前支持该党的22个法国大陆选区中仅存的两区之一。

6.Cellar Le Pinot is pleased to invite you to attend the tasting party of the wines from BOTT family from Alsace.品诺酒窖荣幸地邀请您前来品尝阿尔萨斯的鲍特家族葡萄酒。

7."We are in a waiting period, everybody is waiting that the other [club] moves, " Wenger said in an interview with Alsace TV.温格在阿尔萨斯电视台(法国一电视台)的采访中说:“我们正处于等待期间,每个人都在等待着其他俱乐部的动作。”

8.There are still many pinot blanc vineyards in Alsace, where the variety sometimes is called Klevner.在阿尔萨斯地区还种植有白比诺,在那,该品种有时也被称为。

9.I was always looking forward to that moment in the season. The car drive through the Lorraine countryside to Alsace.我一直都迫不及待的盼望着这个季节所特有的那一刻:开着车驰骋在通往阿尔萨斯的洛林乡间。

10.Cool to cold winters and hot summer along the German border (Alsace).在德法边界处(阿尔萨斯省),那里冬天气候凉爽寒冷,夏天炎热。