


美式发音: [ˈskɑtsmən] 英式发音: [ˈskɒtsmən]






n.1.a man from Scotland

1.苏格兰人 disheartened adj. 灰心;失望的 scotsman n. 苏格兰人 asia n. 亚洲 ...

2.苏格兰人报 Taylor-Wharton/ 泰莱华顿 Scotsman/ 斯科茨曼 HISAKAGE/ 久景 ...

5.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人 ... ridiculous a. 荒谬的, 可笑的 Scotsman n. 苏格兰人,苏格兰男人 show up 揭露, 露出, 露面 ...

6.苏格兰军人 ... 2. Scotsman:Wilpam Wallace is seven feet tall! 苏格兰军人:威廉?华莱士有七尺高! scotsman1. 苏格兰 …


1.The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings.次日,一个花梢支架拔了到苏格兰男子的稀稀落落的周围。

2.The Scotsman sees the fly in his glass, stares at it for a few seconds, and drinks his beer anyway.苏格兰人盯着苍蝇看了几秒种,还是把啤酒喝了下去。

3.Speaking at the launch of a brand of fragrances in his native France; Cantona lavished praise upon the young Scotsman.在一次参加法国某香水品牌的发布会时,Cantona对这个苏格兰新星极尽溢美之词。

4.He signed as an apprentice in 1960 - just a few months after the Scotsman had taken over - and stayed for 18 years.1960年他就与俱乐部签约-那刚好就在香客利入主红军几个月后-他在俱乐部效力了18年之久。

5.'I'm from Yorkshire, and the definition of a Yorkshireman is a Scotsman with all the generosity squeezed out, ' he announced.他说道:“我可是从约克郡来的,所谓约克郡人,就是吝啬到极点的苏格兰人。”

6.So the Scotsman made a pair of new underpants with half a yard of silk.于是这苏格兰人用半码丝布缝了一条新内裤。

7.Fellow artists, such as the Scotsman Archibald Hartrick, who knew him in Paris, considered Vincent harmlessly "cracked" .艺术家同伴们,比如在巴黎结识他的苏格兰人阿奇博尔德·哈特里克(ArchibaldHartrick),并无恶意的认为梵高已经“疯了”。

8.The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.这个精明的苏格兰人比骗子还历害。

9.The Scotsman Wilpam "Captain" Kidd seizes his biggest prize, the loot-laden Armenian ship Cara Merchant, off the coast of India.苏格兰人“船长基德”抓住了他人生中最大的一笔横财,印度附近海域中装满了战利品的美国船“加拉商人”号。

10.Montmorency responded by hitting Stuart in the face with his sword hilt, knocking out three of the Scotsman's front teeth.斯图亚特叫他投降,他的答覆就是用剑柄向斯图亚特脸上撞去,撞脱了三颗门牙。