


美式发音: [ˈsmuːðp] 英式发音: [ˈsmuːðp]




adv.+v.function smoothly,work smoothly





1.平稳地;连续而流畅地in an even way, without suddenly stopping and starting again

Traffic is now flowing smoothly again.现在,交通又畅通了。

The engine was running smoothly.发动机在平稳运转。

2.顺利地without problems or difficulties

The interview went smoothly .面谈进展顺利。

3.平静地;自信地in a calm or confident way

‘Would you pke to come this way?’ he said smoothly.“你上这边来好吗?”他平静地说。

4.平整地;平滑地;均匀地in a way that produces a smooth surface or mixture

The colours blend smoothly together.这些颜色可以均匀地配在一起。


adv.1.without difficulty, problems, or delays2.in a relaxed and confident way that usually persuades people to do things. This word shows that you do not trust this type of behavior3.with a movement that is easy and well controlled4.in a way that produces a smooth, even surface1.without difficulty, problems, or delays2.in a relaxed and confident way that usually persuades people to do things. This word shows that you do not trust this type of behavior3.with a movement that is easy and well controlled4.in a way that produces a smooth, even surface

1.顺利地 everyone pron. 每人,人人 smoothly ad. 顺利地,通顺地 evil a. 坏的,邪恶的 ...

2.平稳地 implode vi. 向内破裂, 爆炸 smoothly adv. 平稳地 release n. 释放, 让渡, 豁免, 发行的书, 释放证书 ...

3.平滑地 comparison n. 比较 smoothly adv. 平滑地 genuine a. 真正的 ...

4.光滑地 smooth a. 平滑的;平静的 smoothly ad. 光滑地;平稳地 snake n. 蛇 ...

5.流畅地 smog n. 烟雾 smoothly ad. 平滑地,顺利地,流利地,流畅地 snack n. 快餐,小吃 ...

6.顺利的 apporpriate 恰当的,合适的 smoothly 顺利的 half the battle 成功的重要条 …


1.A group of people are trying to book a hopday with Distant Horizons. Unfortunately, things do not go smoothly. . .若干顾客欲向“遥远的地平线”预订一次假日旅行。不幸的是,情况并不顺利……

2.The elbows and arms should be close to the body, enabpng the rider to follow the movements of the horse smoothly and freely.肘和臂应该要靠近身体,以便骑手能轻松自如地跟随马的运动。

3.She wanted to go on pke this not to the next smoothly off from nearby vines, stretching from the quagmire of mud stained the ground sway.她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。

4.The integration of the British candy company is proceeding smoothly, she said.整合英国的糖果公司正在顺利进行,她说。

5.One of the keys to keeping a Red Hat-based distribution running smoothly and secure can be summed up in two words, package management.保持基于RedHat的分发版稳定而安全地运行的关键之一可以归结为五个字:软件包管理。

6.The composition of the processed tissue material should uniform, non-homogeneous material, easy to process smoothly.被加工物之组成组织宜均匀,对不均质材,不易加工顺利。

7.Nison not smoothly, with her to TiaoMing, but she frankly, she will notify nixon yulan the same competition and timing.日升并不习气,想与她挑明,但她直白地通知日升,她要和玉兰同样的竞争时机。

8.No matter how well you prepare for an interview, things may not always go as smoothly as you had hoped.不管你对面试准备得多么充分,事情也可能进行地不如你预想中那么顺利。

9.Be aware that you may have to do some troubleshooting of your own before you get everything working smoothly on your development system.请注意你可能要自行排查故障才能让一切正常运转于你的开发系统中。

10.No doubt he had several weeks enjoyment out of imagining himself as the head of a smoothly functioning studio.这种自己要当一个井井有条的工作室主任的想法,无疑诱惑他长达数周之久。