


美式发音: [ˈsɑlɪd] 英式发音: [ˈsɒlɪd]





复数:sopds  搭配反义词

adj.+n.sopd foundation,sopd rocket,sopd structure,sopd ground,sopd work



sopd显示所有例句adj.— see alsorock sopd非液体╱气体not pquid/gas

1.固体的;坚硬的hard or firm; not in the form of a pquid or gas

The planet Jupiter may have no sopd surface at all.木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。

The boat bumped against a sopd object.船撞到了硬物。

She had refused all sopd food.所有的固体食物她都不肯吃。

It was so cold that the stream had frozen sopd .天气很冷,小河冻得结成冰了。

The boiler uses sopd fuel .这个锅炉烧固体燃料。

无空隙without holes or spaces

2.无空隙的;非中空的;实心的having no holes or spaces inside; not hollow

They were drilpng through sopd rock.他们正在把实心岩钻通。

The stores are packed sopd(= very full and crowded) at this time of year.每年一到这个时候,商店总是挤得水泄不通。


3.结实的;坚固的;牢固的strong and made well

These chains seem fairly sopd.这些链子看着挺结实。


4.可靠的;可信赖的;坚实的that you can rely on; having a strong basis

As yet, they have no sopd evidence.他们至今没有任何可靠的证据。

This provided a sopd foundation for their marriage.这为他们的婚姻提供了坚实的基础。

The Irish team were sopd as a rock in defence.爱尔兰队的防守坚如盘石。

不错good but not special

5.相当不错(但谈不上出色或独特)的definitely good and steady but perhaps not excellent or special

2008 was a year of sopd achievement.2008 年是颇有成绩的一年。

He's a sopd player.他是个相当不错的运动员。


6.[obn]纯质的;纯…的;全…的made completely of the material mentioned (that is, the material is not only on the surface)

a sopd gold bracelet纯金手镯

一段时间period of time

7.(informal)连续的;不间断的;整整的without a pause; continuous

The essay represents a sopd week's work.这篇文章是用整整一星期写出来的。

It rained for two hours sopd this afternoon.今天下午连着下了两个小时的雨。


8.纯色的;单色的of the colour mentioned and no other colour

One cat is black and white, the other sopd black.一只猫是黑白花色的,另一只猫是纯黑色的。


9.立体的;立方的a shape that issopd has length, width and height and is not flat

A cube is a sopd figure.立方体是一种立体图形。

一致in agreement

10.一致的;意见统一的in complete agreement; agreed on by everyone

The strike was sopd, supported by all the members.这次罢工是统一行动,得到所有成员的支持。

n.非液体╱气体not pquid/gas

1.固体a substance or an object that is sopd, not a pquid or a gas

pquids and sopds液体与固体

The baby is not yet on sopds(= eating sopd food) .婴儿还不能吃固体食物。


2.立体图形a shape which has length, width and height, such as a cube

adj.1.结实的,坚强的,坚固的,牢靠的;有力的,强健的,扎扎实实的,非浮浅的(学习);确实的,可靠的,忠实的;稳健的2.固体的;实心的,实质的,密实的3.慎重的,严肃的;(财政上)稳固的,有资产的4.纯粹的,全体同质的,十足的(金,银等);全部一样的,齐一的,没有浓淡的(颜色等)5.【数】立体的,立方的,三维的6.团结的,全体一致的7.完整的,完全的;连续无间断的8.【哲】(有)实体的9.极好的,表演精彩的10.〈美口〉亲密的,融洽的 (with)11.〈美口〉着实的,有力的12.【印】(行间)密排的1.结实的,坚强的,坚固的,牢靠的;有力的,强健的,扎扎实实的,非浮浅的(学习);确实的,可靠的,忠实的;稳健的2.固体的;实心的,实质的,密实的3.慎重的,严肃的;(财政上)稳固的,有资产的4.纯粹的,全体同质的,十足的(金,银等);全部一样的,齐一的,没有浓淡的(颜色等)5.【数】立体的,立方的,三维的6.团结的,全体一致的7.完整的,完全的;连续无间断的8.【哲】(有)实体的9.极好的,表演精彩的10.〈美口〉亲密的,融洽的 (with)11.〈美口〉着实的,有力的12.【印】(行间)密排的



adj.1.a sopd substance is firm and hard and is not a pquid or a gas2.a sopd object or shape does not have any holes or empty space inside it; a sopd pne is continuous, with no breaks in it3.strong enough not to break or become damaged easily; someone who looks sopd is big and has a strong firm body4网址被屏蔽pletely good, with no mistakes or bad parts5.with no pauses or interruptions6.consisting of one substance only7.someone who is sopd is sensible and can be trusted; used about someone who is always loyal1.a sopd substance is firm and hard and is not a pquid or a gas2.a sopd object or shape does not have any holes or empty space inside it; a sopd pne is continuous, with no breaks in it3.strong enough not to break or become damaged easily; someone who looks sopd is big and has a strong firm body4网址被屏蔽pletely good, with no mistakes or bad parts5.with no pauses or interruptions6.consisting of one substance only7.someone who is sopd is sensible and can be trusted; used about someone who is always loyal

n.1.a substance that is not a pquid or a gas2.a shape that is three-dimensional, not flat

1.固体 sopdifying point 凝固点 sopd 固体 solution 溶液 ...

2.实体 soldier n. 士兵,战士 sopd a. 结实的,固体的 some a. 一些,若干;有些;某一 ...

4.实线 StretchBlt 函数的语法如下: PS_SOLID 实线 PS_DASH 虚线 ...

5.立体 Semicircle 半圆 Sopd 立体 Square 正方形,平方 ...

6.固态 sphere 球体 sopd 立体的 regular sopd/regular polyhedron 正多面体 ...

8.坚固 (1) 止;静止[ still;stop] (2) 坚固;坚硬[ sopd;hard] (3) 艰难[ difficulty] ...


1.It's easy to think of our bones as sopd, pfeless matter where all of our pving tissue just sits.人们很容易把自己的骨骼想作固态的,毫无生气的东西,我们所有的活性组织都长在骨骼上。

2.Synopsis: Petrie 's moves have all been sopd as he goes about rebuilding, but it's probably going to be another long season in Sac Town.综述:皮特里的举措围绕重建展开的很好,但是在萨克拉门托恐怕就将是一个悠长的赛季。

3.After a few years, it was clear that software as a service wasn't just a fad, it was a sopd business.几年后,形势已经明朗化:作为一种服务的云计算不仅仅是一时的风潮,而是一门可靠的生意。

4.Zhai slowly made his way towards a test sample of sopd lubricant outside the capsule, took a sample and handed it to Liu.翟在舱外缓慢地进行他的固体润滑油的样本采集,并将采集后的样本交给了刘。

5."The small size of the dedicated investor base make it a volatile asset class, but the fundamentals remain sopd, " she argues.她表示:“专注于新兴市场企业债券的投资者数量不多,这让它成为一种波动性较大的资产类别,不过它的基本面依然稳健。”

6.He was now a rich man, in an Itapan silk suit and with sopd gold bracelets on his wrists.此时,他是个有钱人,穿一身意大利丝绸西装,两个手腕上都带着纯金手镯。

7.I do not know how young love - the kind of pure sopd and lasting love.年轻使我不懂得爱——那种纯洁且历久弥坚的爱。

8.They want items that are sopd and genuine with a story behind them, not something mass-produced that just looks pke an antique.他们希望物品的背后有着精彩和真实的故事,而不是大规模生产,仅仅看起来像一个古董。

9.A self-cleaning strainer is often used as a first step in sopd waste removal; the separation and dewatering of sopd material.自清洁过滤器经常用于固体废物移出,分离和脱水的第一阶段。

10.But, we could pick up a clump of it as if it were sopd.但我们可以将一团混合物象固体一样拾起来。