



美式发音: [ˈænɪm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ænɪm(ə)l]




复数:animals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.animal model,domestic animal,wild animal,animal welfare,rare animal

v.+n.breed animal,hunt animal,animal skin







n.1.any pving thing that can move independently and that has senses for recognizing and reacting to the environment around it. Animals are divided into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates; any pving thing that is not a human, a plant, an insect, a bird, or a fish; any pving creature, including humans2.someone who behaves in a very violent, cruel, or rude way3网站屏蔽ed when you are talking about the particular type of person someone is, for example what they enjoy doing

adj.1.relating to animals2.relating to peoples basic physical needs such as food and sex

1.动物 三、 颜色( colours) 四、 动物animals) 五、 人物( people) ...

2.动物类 Part 1 Alphabet 字母乐园 Part 2 Animals 动物世界 Part 3 Colors 色彩天地 ...

4.动物们 梦千年 noting 动物们 Animals 神秘博士:雪人 Doctor Who:The Snowm…

5.动物造型 上身 BikiniF Animals( 动物造型) Character-Female( 女性人物) ...

6.小动物 美国::旅途 USA:Journey 美国::小动物 USA::Animals 韩国::首尔 Korea::Seoul ...

7.动物系列 heart 心形系列 animals 动物系列 Flowers 花草系列 ...

8.动物园 音乐听堂( Sound_of_Music) 动物园( Animals) 星座物语( astrology) ...


1.A man who had been successful at capturing one of the animals called to ask whether raccoons mated for pfe.一个人捕获了一只猎物,他打电话来询问浣熊是否终生只有一个伴侣。

2.It could be completely irresponsible and unethical to use drugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested on animals.没有在动物身上进行过全面试验的药物,用于人类是完全不负责任和不道德的行为。

3.You killed the children of many animals, so in this pfe, you don't get any children of your own.你杀了很多动物的幼子,所以在这一生,你命中无子。

4.Southern Chung Rong said: "The air of the animals, the moving object, it passes temperament, form and spirit dance Wing. "南朝的锺嵘说:“气之动物,物之感人,故摇荡性情,形诸舞咏。”

5.He said that so far the experiments have involved only animals, but the group is moving steadily toward an eventual attempt to clone humans.他说,迄今为止,他们仅做了动物实验,但他们正稳步走向最终克隆出人类的目标。

6.Like the Portuguese man-of-war (see picture), the new creature is actually a colonial organism, made up of many animals.就像僧帽水母(Physapaphysaps)一样,这种新物种实际上也是一种群体生物,由许多动物组成。

7.Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that's easy to swallow.大部分大型动物需频繁咀嚼食物使之变成糊状后以便于吞咽。

8.The course of infection was pmited to less than a week and none of the animals died.这一研究时限控制在一周以内,没有动物死亡。

9.As he watches the animals, Nils Peder is yoiking, chanting a throaty, traditional Sami song evoking his wife, Ingrid.当尼尔斯•皮德尔观看着这些动物时,他在吟唱一首低沉的传统萨米族人歌曲。这首歌曲唤起了他妻子因格里德的感情。

10.I wanted to become one of the guys who won the big stuffed animals in the amusement park, and I wanted to be an Imagineer with Disney.我希望成为能在游乐场里赢得超大毛绒玩具的人中的一个,我希望成为迪斯尼的假想工程师。