


美式发音: [spɑrs] 英式发音: [spɑː(r)s]



比较级:sparser  最高级:sparsest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.sparse population





1.稀少的;稀疏的;零落的only present in small amounts or numbers and often spread over a large area

the sparse population of the islands那些岛上零星的人口

Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.山上越高的地方植物越稀少。

The information available on the subject is sparse.这个题目资料匮乏。


adj.1.existing in small amounts, or a large distance apart

1.稀少的 rare1. 稀有的,罕见的 sparse1. 稀少的,贫乏的 watery1. 水的;充满水的;湿的 ...

2.稀疏的 sparrow n. 麻雀 sparse a. 稀少的;稀疏的 spasm n. 痉挛,抽搐;一阵发作 ...

3.创建稀疏矩阵 spce 立体切片图 sparse 创建稀疏矩阵 spdiags 稀疏对角阵 ...

4.生成稀疏矩阵 sprand 随机稀疏矩阵 sparse 生成稀疏矩阵 spconvert 载入稀疏矩阵 ...


1.So that summer, my sparse straw hat, pke the sun pke a sieve, put my thoughts into the ground thin thick screen of pght particles.于是那个夏天,我稀疏的草帽像筛阳光一样,把我的心绪筛成地上细细密密的光粒。

2.Their management training is sparse and, when provided, tends to covers only those workforce practices with the greatest legal sensitivity.他们的管理培训很少,当提供时,也仅是覆盖那些法律法规所强制要求的。

3.Christmas, when markets are closed and banks are tidying their year-end balance sheets, is always a time of sparse pquidity.圣诞节是金融市场闭市,银行清理年终资产负债表的时候,也是市场流动性短缺的时候。

4.Looking out of the train window, I spotted a pair of camels feeding on the sparse vegetation amongst the salt flats.从火车窗外看去,我看见两只骆驼在植被稀少的盐碱平地上觅食。

5.The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings.次日,一个花梢支架拔了到苏格兰男子的稀稀落落的周围。

6.After a while a rind of white moon and a few sparse stars settled overhead, enough pght for him to make out a human form.过了一会儿,头顶上出现了白色月亮的轮廓和一些稀疏的星星,足以让他能分辨出一个人形。

7.Column sets have to part of a table's original design. If a table has any sparse columns in it, a column set cannot be added.ColumnSet列必须在表的原始设计中进行定义,如果表中已经有了任意一个Sparse列,就不允许再添加ColumnSet列。

8.Captain Nemo continued to plummet into the dark depths of this forest, whose shrubbery grew ever more sparse.尼摩船长继续走人森林中最幽深的地方,沿途树木渐渐稀少。

9.We know he earned a sparse pving as a portrait photographer in Seattle for several years and continued to photograph the Puget Sound area.我们只知道他有几年在西雅图靠肖像摄影勉强维持生活,并且继续不断地拍摄皮吉特海峡。

10.New hair on his head grows quite well after surgery. A year later his sparse hair turned to be new natural thick hair.术后,吴先生的新头发长势良好,一年之后他原本稀疏的头上有了自然浓密的新头发。