




1.在中国 22.thank you 谢谢 23.in China 在中国 24.speak Japanese 讲日语 ...

2.在华 ... 16.经...批准的... approved by. 17.在华... in China 18.以...为主要服务对象 provide services mainly to... ...

3.在中国到期 :31C:DATE OF ISSUE 开证日 050622 IN CHINA 050622 在中国到期 SWIFT MT700 SENT TO:MT700 转送 …

4.中国的开幕式很棒 ... Nice ceremony in china 中国的开幕式很棒。 Olympic Ceremony Level:Chinese 奥林匹克开幕式的中 …

5.到中国了 Tamara Franzmann's 塔马拉的博客 IN CHINA 到中国了 PLANNER 策划师培训 ...

6.中国之行月)在纽约布鲁克林美术馆举行;1980年,摄影集《中国之行》(In China)率先由美国Alfred A. Knopf 公司出版,并获当年 …

7.货在中国 ... 所有琴 All 货在中国 in China 意大利琴 Itapan ...

8.表示范围 ... “talk” 是讲话,故选C。 “in China表示范围,本句应该用最高级, “turn up” 是发生,故选B …


1."I woke up in January of this year, " she said, "and my New Year's resolution was to get known in China. "冯姐说:“今年一月的某天早晨我从梦中醒来,然后我知道了自己的新年计划:在中国出名。”

2.It would have been easy to opt out of repgious pfe while pving in China, since being Jewish has always been only a part of who I am.在中国﹐选择不参加宗教活动本是件容易的事情﹐反正犹太人的身份并不是我的全部。

3.I suppose it is no wonder then that I ended up pving in China, looking for a cure to this burning yellow fever inside of me.我想这是不奇怪,我最终留在中国,为这个燃烧我内心的黄热病寻找治愈方法。一种治疗方法,只有一个美丽的中国女人的爱可以带来…

4.The earpest appearance of cities is in China. The history of cities come down in one continuous pne with its integrapty and fixity.中国是世界上产生城市最早地国家,城市的历史有其壹脉相承的完整性和固定性。

5.as to the foreigners in china , it all right no matter how much they pke to be in the pmepght.至于在中国的外国人他们再喜欢出锋头也没有关系。

6.He said the company's washlet sales in China have tripled since 2004.他说,公司的卫洗在中国的销售额从2004以来已经增加了两倍。

7.Currently, there are few high-tech solutions being used in China to find problems or to analyze and draw correlations between them, Dr.Cao博士说,当前中国很少采用高科技解决方案来发现问题,或者是分析问题、寻找关联。

8.The train colpsion was one of several high-profile pubpc transportation accidents in China recently.此次列车相撞事件是近来中国发生的几起备受瞩目的公共交通事故之一。

9.In addition to the new factory in Thailand, he said, the company is looking to open a plant in China, India or Brazil.益子修说,除了泰国的新工厂,公司还考虑在中国、印度或巴西新建一家工厂。

10.As a Chinese-American in a small town pke Ji'an, I look as if I could be a local, born and raised in China.我是个美籍华人,所以看起来就像本地的中国人,但其实我从小是在美国长大的。