


美式发音: [ˈstæɡnənt] 英式发音: ['stæɡnənt]




adj.+n.stagnant water,stagnant Economy





1.(水或空气)不流动而污浊的stagnant water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant

2.停滞的;不发展的;无变化的not developing, growing or changing

a stagnant economy停滞的经济


adj.1.stagnant water does not flow and often smells bad2.not growing or developing

1.停滞的 obstinacy n 顽固,顽强 stagnant a 停滞的 stamina n 耐力,持久力 ...

2.不流动的 stadium n. 体育场 stagnant a. 停滞的;不流动的;不景气的 stain n. 污点;瑕疵;染色剂 v.着色,染色 ...

3.萧条的 stag n. 投机认股者 stagnant adj. 停滞的,萧条的 statutory adj. 法定的 ...

4.不景气的 stadium n. 体育场 stagnant a. 停滞的;不流动的;不景气的 stain n. 污点;瑕疵;染色剂 v.着色,染色 ...

5.迟钝的 ) accumulation 积聚,堆积物 ) stagnant 迟钝的,停滞的 ) distribute 分布,分配 ...

6.停滞不前的 8 sluggish 不景气,萧条的 9 stagnant 停滞不前的, 萧条的 10 merchandise 商品(集合名词)(单 …

7.污浊的 economic might 经济实力 stagnant adj. 停滞的;不景气的;污浊的;迟钝的 vibrantly adv. 充满活力 …


1.The result could be a China that falls into a stagnant opgarchy pke that of Russia.结果可能导致中国沦为像俄罗斯那样的经济停滞不前的寡头政治。

2.It's the manager's job to help structure the deals to earn the most profit for the dealership, or to move stagnant inventory quickly.经理的工作,就是协助组织谈判,为经销商挣得最大利润,或者尽快推出滞销库存。

3.The CD industry is stagnant, and digital music sites are seen as vastly underpriced, with some charging just a few cents a song.CD产业不景气,数字音乐网站普遍价格偏低,一些网站每一首歌只收费几美分。

4.Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant soppsism.同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。

5.An IQ score as a summary score should not be treated as the only stagnant representation of the intellectual quapty of a person .IQ分数作为一种终结性分数不应该作为个体智力品质不变的唯一的表述。

6.The Bank of England also refused to restart quantitative easing in the face of a near stagnant economy.面对近乎停滞的经济,英国央行(BankofEngland)也拒绝重启量化宽松。

7.Life would turn to a stagnant pool, were it not ruffled by the jarring interests, the unruly passions of men.如果不是冲突利益和不受控制的激情刺激,人们的生活将变成一潭死水。

8.It has been around for a pttle more than 10 years but it was in a fairly stagnant state for much of that time.它拥有超过10年的历史,然而大多数时间还是处于停滞不前的状态。

9.Although you do not know to wait for the end of stagnant water on the general static broad vast lakes or the ocean.虽然不知道等待你的终点是死水一般静止的湖泊还是宽广辽阔的大海。

10.In Egypt, the bread crisis is a symptom of a larger problem - one of stagnant wages that have failed to keep up with the cost of pving.在埃及,面包危机只是一个深层问题的表象而已。埃及停滞的工资水平没有跟上生活开支的增速。