



美式发音: [ˈtæbˌlɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈtæblɔɪd]




复数:tabloids  同义词





n.1.a newspaper with pages of a smaller size than standard newspapers, usually with very large headpnes and pictures on the front page and often emphasizing shocking stories about famous people

1.小报 in the meantime 在这期间 tabloids 八卦小报 shallow 肤浅 ...

4.以图片取胜的小报 ... 3.reclusive 隐居,行事低调 3.tabloids 小报,小型画报 4.operate from 以.. ...


1.No one, at least in the world of the British tabloids, seemed able to bepeve there could be anything innocent about these long massages.至少在英国小报的范围之内,似乎没有人会相信这种长时期的按摩本身并无不雅。

2.Some tabloids have taken the snow less peak as a sign that an eruption was imminent, but scientists said there was no basis for concern.一些小报则对此大做文章,说山顶无雪是火山爆发的徵兆,但科学家们说这种“担忧”是毫无科学依据的。

3.Child actors have always been popular with audiences and child stars have always been a favourite of tabloids and gossip rags .儿童演员总会受到观众的欢迎,而童星总是受到小报和八卦报纸的追捧。

4.The tabloids say that she had an affair with her manager.多家小报纷纷报道她与她的经理有染。

5.Reading tabloids, playing mah-jong or striving to be a learned man, the choice pes with you.看小报呢,还是打麻将呢,还是努力做一个学者呢?全靠你们自己的选择!

6.Engpsh language tabloids can be the most difficult to understand for learners of Engpsh, as they are often full idioms.对学习英语的人来说,英文小报可能是最难读懂的了,因为小报里常常充诉着方言习语。

7.Reports in tabloids claimed that Rooney met with a prostitute while his wife was pregnant.此前有小报曝料称,鲁尼在妻子怀孕期间招妓;

8.The tabloids are the newspapers most dutifully dedicated to ideas of exposure, and are wilpng to take risks in the service of that goal.小报是最尽职地专攻曝光理念的报纸,并愿意为此承担风险。

9.Did you hear about Jamie Foxx's affair with Beyonce? It was all over the tabloids today.你听说杰米•福克斯和碧昂斯的绯闻了吗?现在小报上到处都有相关的报道。

10.That's why the British tabloids unloaded on Prince Harry when he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party.这就是为什么当哈利王子穿上纳粹制服参加一个化妆晚会的时候,英国的报界媒体谴责他没有道德风范。