


美式发音: [ˈmoʊɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈməuizəm]





n.1.an ancient school of Chinese philosophy that was founded by Mozi (Mo-tzu) in the 5th century . It advocates universal love and opposes ritual.

1.墨家 Taoism 道家 Mohism 墨家 Rule the country by virtue 以德治国 ...

2.墨子哲学 Mohican 莫希干人 Mohism 墨子哲学 moiety 一半 ...


4.墨学o-tse,Mo zi)、墨家(Mohists)、墨学(Mohism),在当代社会逐渐引起西方注意.墨学能否在世界发挥巨大作用,应该观察西方对于 …

5.墨家学派墨家学派Mohism) ) 中国战国时期兴起的学派。因创始人墨翟(约前 476—约前 390)而得名。


1.However, on the basis of Mohism and development is concerned, What's Mohist build the kind of world?但就墨学研究的基础性与发展性而言,吾人应追问墨学的十论所要建构的是何种世界?

2.Mo Zi is the founder of Mohism. The thought of Mo Zi had a great effect on his times.作为墨家的创始人,墨子的思想在当时产生了很大的影响。

3.Compared to the systematic and rigorous friend relationship of Confucianism, Mohism is more pke a special supplement.相对于体系完整而严密的儒家朋友理论来说,墨家或许是一种别样的补充。

4.Escape, dawn met on general chu, after all -- less, and reveal the mohism school allocated into the mystery of the girl.逃亡路上,天明结识了楚国大将之后―少羽,墨家众高手,还有身世成谜的少女高月等人。

5.He became famous for his unusual clothes and behaviour. Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.他因为不同寻常的服装和行为举止而出名。墨子创立了墨家学派,

6.Gradually, hide from the nuclear mohism ink, be WeiZhuang completely under siege, mohism is under three hundred years the biggest disaster.渐离等人躲入墨家墨核,被卫庄团团围困,墨家正遭遇三百年来最大的浩劫。

7.The comments about Mohism reflects the spread and influence of Mohism in in medieval times.学者对于墨学的回顾与反思,亦体现了中古时期墨学的流传和影响。

8.Second, Mohism pnking to Confucianism in Han Dynasty, Gong Sunhong and Dong Zhongshu's ideas have the sound traces of Mohism.二是汉代儒学融合墨学,公孙弘和董仲舒的思想中皆有墨学痕迹;

9.The bandit culture has deep culture relations with Mohism.匪文化与墨学之间有深厚的文化思想渊源。

10.Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.墨子创立了墨子哲学。