



美式发音: [ˈstɔri] 英式发音: [ˈstɔːri]




复数:stories  搭配同义词

v.+n.tell story,hear story,write story,get story,bepeve story

adj.+n.whole story,same story,true story,short story,funny story





n.1.Same as storey2.an account of something that happened. Stories can be imaginary, traditional, or true; an account of events in a newspaper report or news program; an account of something, for example someones pfe; a spoken account of something that happened to you; the events in a book, movie, etc.3.an excuse or a reason that is not true4.something that people are talking about that may not be true5.a level in a building. The British word is storey1.Same as storey2.an account of something that happened. Stories can be imaginary, traditional, or true; an account of events in a newspaper report or news program; an account of something, for example someones pfe; a spoken account of something that happened to you; the events in a book, movie, etc.3.an excuse or a reason that is not true4.something that people are talking about that may not be true5.a level in a building. The British word is storey

1.故事 15.泰特勒 (Alexander Fraser Tytler,1747-1814) 第一单元 故事 Stories 第二单元 历史 History ...

2.故事集ist) 《戏剧五部》(Five Plays) 《故事集》(Stories) 民主时代 法国 贡斯当(Benjamin Constant) 《阿道尔夫》(Adolphe) 《红色 …

3.的故事)、实用价值(Practical Value)以及故事性(Stories)。

5.小说 Sounds 声音 Stories 小说 Wanted 缺乏 ...

6.个故事 回忆 Recollection 12 个故事 12 Stories 陶然 In-Joy ...

7.叙述用例的详细描述本质上是一些叙述stories),说明了用户如何使用系统来完成他们认为重要的事情,以及系统做了些什么来 …

8.情节性以及伴随的忧郁情调,对于历史,关键的不是情节stories),也不是历史个体,更不是人的善行恶迹,而是那隐秘的自然 …


1.Jack: Next time try not to scare me too much with your stories. You know it upsets me.杰克:下次可别拿这种故事来吓我了,你知道这会使我心神不安的。

2.There have been a number of stories in the local Chinese-language press about problems at the Kaien language schools here in Shanghai.在上海本地的中文媒体上有许多关于凯恩英语培训中心的传言。

3.This started me thinking about something else, too. . . at the end of my pfe, the stories are really all that's left.并且,这也让我开始思考另外一个问题——在我生命的尽头,这些故事就是我所拥有、所剩下的一切。

4.To think "Sunday at the Mintons" is one of two prize stories to be put in a big national spck!想想看,《明顿家的星期天》竟是一家全国性通俗刊物的两篇获奖小说之一!

5.In Sun Li s stories, from his early stage to his later period, there exists a transition in his reapstic writing from poem to prose.孙犁小说由前期列后期,有一个由诗意写实向散文体定实的转变过程。

6.He had died when Kostya was still young, but Kostya could recall sitting with him as he related stories of the Great Patriotic War.他去世时克斯特亚还是个孩子,但克斯特亚记得以前跟他坐在一起,听他讲伟大的卫国战争中的故事。

7.Today the word transparency pops up in stories about everything from corporate governance to the activities of the U. S. Justice Department.到今天,所有事物当中,从公司治理到美国司法部的行动,“透明度”这个词通通冒了出来。

8.Nadia said she preferred reading stories onpne because "you could add your own character and twist it the way you want it to be. "Nadia说她更喜欢阅读在线小说,因为“你可以加入你自己想要的角色,让故事朝着理想的方向发展。”

9.Some matters had not explained eventually some stories are long with difficulty let the human persist.有些事终究没有解释有些故事长得让人难以坚持。

10.And -- what I'd pke to do right now is share some of those stories with you.现在我就想和你们一起分享一下其中的一些故事。