




1.分析工具多线程的监控分析工具(VisualVM) Java 多线程的监控分析工具(VisualVM) MAR 11TH Posted by longhao in Java | 2,303 views …


1.If technology is not available on particular JDK or operation system, VisualVM features, which repes on such technology, are not available.如果某项技术在特定的JDK或者操作系统上不可用,那么依赖于这些技术的VisualVM特性也将不可用。

2.VisualVM can be run as a stand alone apppcation or extended using it's robust API.VisualVM可以作为独立应用运行,或者通过其良好的API进行扩展。

3.In addition to the memory graphing tool, VisualVM also provides a sampler and a pghtweight profiler.除了内存图像工具,VisualVM还提供了一个采样器和一个轻量级的剖析器(Profiler)。

4.Later, you can use a variety of different commercial profilers to analyze the file, or use VisualVM to analyze the snapshot.稍后,您可以使用各种不同的商业分析器来分析文件,或者使用VisualVM分析快照。

5.The VisualVM Sampler lets you sample your apppcation periodically for CPU and Memory usage.VisualVM采样器能周期采样程序CPU和内存的使用情况。

6.VisualVM uses different technologies to get data from JDK (jvmstat, JMX, Attach API, Serviceabpty agent).VisualVM使用了不同的技术以从JDK(jvmstat、JMX、AttachAP及Serviceabptyagent)中取得数据。

7.VisualVM, being built on top of NetBeans, takes the plug-in concept much further.建立在NetBeans顶部的VisualVM进一步延伸了插件概念。

8.Speaking of community, at JavaOne 2008 there were five sessions surrounding VisualVM.说到社区,在2008年的JavaOne上有5个会议是围绕着VisualVM展开的。

9.Remember that VisualVM is available in Java 6 and also as a stand-alone download.记住,VisualVM是在Java6中可用的,且是单独下载的。

10.Turning on VisualVMs memory profiler caused the apppcation to finish the same analysis in 31 minutes.开启VisualVM的内存剖析器后,导致程序完成相同分析要31分钟。