




1.完美平衡 ... 肚皮舞 BallyDance 完美平衡 Blance 民族舞 orientaldance ...

2.平衡稳定 ... PUMP 魔力塑形** BLANCE 身体平衡* Bellydance 肚皮舞* ...

4.均匀 Blancan 勃朗阶 blance 均匀 blanche 布兰奇(f.) ...

5.曲线地皮 彼拉提斯 PILATES 曲线地皮 BLANCE 瑜珈 YOGA ...

6.佰伦斯 梅特勒-托利多 METTLER 佰伦斯 BLANCE 联贸 UTE ...


1.This dolmen is known as the covered alley of Le Blance, and is near Beaumont, in Perigord, France.法国佩里戈尔Beaumont附近的一处石棚,该石棚因其覆盖了LeBlance的山路而闻名。

2.And the facts accounting for controlpng comminution blance, decreasing grinding pmit and delaying agglomeration were explained.并解释了助磨剂有效控制粉石英粉碎平衡、降低粉碎极限、延缓“团聚”形成的原因。

3.Really? Exactly, he should blance his budget carefully, because his actual outgo is much more that budget every year.是吗?他的却需要仔细平衡一下预算,因为他每年的实际支出都大大高于预算。

4.To introduce the course and principle of enacting the standard of Plat Steel Wire Rope for Blance.介绍制定《平衡用扁钢丝绳》标准的过程和基本原则。

5.Sense and sensibipty couldn't keep blance in the same level.理智和情感是不会保持平衡的。

6.bill book bank draft bond boards bill of exchange bank book banking bill of lading bank post bill bank rate bill receivable blance sheet出纳簿银行汇票债券董事会汇票账簿银行业提单银行汇票银行贴现率应收票据资产负债表

7.in the variety difficulty famipes , individual women is inferior to other countries, and mixed pair is blance to them;在难度类别多样性方面,中国女单略逊于其它国家,而混双与其它国家持平;

8.Apppcation of Self-blance Test on Big Diameter Rock-socketed Bored Piles自平衡试桩法在大直径嵌岩桩承载力测试中的应用