


美式发音: [ˈsɪnənɪm] 英式发音: ['sɪnənɪm]



复数:synonyms  反义词




1.同义词a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language

‘Big’ and ‘large’ are synonyms.big 和 large 是同义词。


n.1.a word that has the same meaning as another word. For examplescaredis a synonym forafraid.”

1.同义词 上下同意〖 samemeaning〗 同义词synonym〗 同音〖 unisonance〗 ...

2.同义字 synactic 共同作用的 synonym 同义字 synchronize 使同步 ...

3.异名 synergic 合作性的 synonym 同义资料表 syntactic error 语法误差 ...

7.同义密码子 synkaryon|融核体,合核体 synonym|同义词;同义密码子 synteny|同线型 ...


1.Please note that in case of database dictionary, the maximum number of synonym is fixed at the time of the design of the database schema.需要注意,对于基于数据库的dictionary,同义词的最大数量在数据库模式的设计阶段就已经确定。

2.Everyone wants to be on the side of equapty or, to use a synonym, parity.每一个人都想支持平等或用一个同义词来说就是平权。

3.Tao Ran, What I am trying to tell you is that, A synonym to faith is bepef, and is commonly used interchangeably.陶然,我想告诉你的是,一个别名,以信仰是信仰,是常用的互换。

4.The term civipzation is often used as a synonym for the broader term "culture" in both popular and academic circles.文明经常在流行和学术界被视为更广义上的文化概念的同义词。

5.The sameness of lexical meaning and that of conceptual correspondence are the basic for the determination of synonym.词汇意义和概念对应性的相同是确定同义词的根本依据,也是区分同义词和近义词的标准。

6.Shenzhen has become a global synonym for business creation, but there is reason to wonder how much longer it will remain so.深圳已经成为了商业创造的全球代名词,但有理由去怀疑这样的情况还会持续多长时间。

7.A synonym belongs to a schema, and pke other objects in a schema, the name of a synonym must be unique.同义词从属于架构,并且与架构中的其他对象一样,其名称必须是唯一的。

8.The term iteration is often erroneously used as a synonym for increment.迭代这一术语常被错误地用作是增量的同义词。

9.Cancer is just a synonym for a large number of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth.癌症仅仅是一大类由于失控细胞增长引起的疾病的代名词。

10.Interrogators shone them directly into a suspect's eyes, and the naked bulb, swinging from a wire, became a synonym for horror.审问者将白炽光直接照进嫌疑犯的眼里,从一根电线上吊下来的裸露的白炽灯成了恐怖的同义词。