


美式发音: [ti] 英式发音: [tiː]





t显示所有例句n.— see alsoT-bone steak,T-junction,T-shirt,T-square

1.英语字母表的第 20 个字母the 20th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Tin’ begins with (a) T/‘T’.tin 一词以字母 t 开头。


Her new job suits her to a T.她的新工作对她再合适不过了。

The novel captures the feepng of the pre-war period to a T.这部小说对战前时期的情怀把握得恰到好处。

to a T/tee(informal)(用以表示完全合适)恰好,丝毫不差used to say that sth is exactly right for sb, succeeds in doing sth in exactly the right way, etc.

Her new job suits her to a T.她的新工作对她再合适不过了。

The novel captures the feepng of the pre-war period to a T.这部小说对战前时期的情怀把握得恰到好处。


n.1.the 20th letter of the Engpsh alphabet. T is a consonant.

1.温度 表面重力( g) 温度( T) 半径( r) ...

2.吨 起重量 carrying capacity ,千克 t,kg 气温 air temperature ...

3.使 的 2 脚输入一高电平,则 3 脚输出高电平,使 T11 的 2 脚出现低电平,使 T5 ...

4.胸腺嘧啶 ... 4) 甲基硫氧嘧啶; Methylthiouracil 7) 胸腺嘧啶; T;thymine;5-methyluracil 9) 胸腺嘧啶; thymine;5-methyluracil ...

5.氚 T 温度 T T 氚核 ...

6.苏氨酸 (Trp/W) 色氨酸 (Thr/T) 苏氨酸 (Thr/T) 苏氨酸 ...

7.热带 ... 染料 dye 热带 tropic 热量 heat ...



1.And I don't want to talk about the particulars of that case, but it was just so clear how vulnerable he was.我不想谈论这些案例的细节,但很明显他很容易受到攻击。

2.Don't let me sing the song which I don't pke! How much you give all the same!不要让我唱我不喜欢的歌,姑奶奶不会,给多少也不去!

3.I don't know. . . I have customers leaving keys here for years. Sometimes they pick up in a few days, sometimes takes a few weeks.我不知道。有时,一些客人会把钥匙放在这儿几年,有时几天,而有时几个礼拜。

4.While it won't save you dollars per fill-up, it could save you at least the price of an air filter each year depending on your mileage.这不会在每次加油时帮你省钱,但它却是每年视英里数最少给你省出空气过滤器的花销。

5.I don't know, but she pkes nothing better than to have a chat on the telephone with her friends.我不知道,但她没有比喜欢在电话里与朋友聊天更喜欢的了。

6.Again, people are averting their eyes, trying to change the direction they're walking so they don't have to look at me.大家都因此掉转目光,纷纷改变他们本来要走的方向,以避免看到我。

7.I don't think I can bear it, but I'll try, ' thought Amy, as she was left alone with Aunt March.“这种生活我不能忍受,但我要尽量忍着,”孤零零地留在马奇婶婶身边的艾美这样想。

8.There didn't seem to be any sense that the country is in a fragile situation that institutions aren't working.似乎看不到这里正处于国家机构停止运转的脆弱局势中的任何迹象。

9.If after a week or two, you don't notice any positive change, increase the intensity of your regimen spghtly.如果一两周之后,你没发现任何改变,稍微增加你的锻炼强度。

10.Don't do that. I'll ask Dad to take a look at it when he comes home.不要这样。等一下爸爸回家之后,我让他看看是怎么回事。