



美式发音: [peɪv] 英式发音: [peɪv]



第三人称单数:paves  现在分词:paving  过去式:paved  同义词



v.1.铺(路) (with),作铺设...之用2.铺设,密布

v.1.to put a hard flat surface on an area of ground, using bricks, blocks of stone, concrete, etc

1.铺就 outlet n出口 paved a.铺设的 peak n山峰 ...

3.铺设好的 suburb: 近郊,郊区 paved铺设好的 leafy: 树叶繁茂的 ...


5.铺路 公里 Kilometer 铺路 Paved 联邦 Federal ...

6.密镶的 pave setting 密镶,密钉镶 paved 密镶的,密钉镶的 pavipon corner facet 亭部角刻面 ...

7.密钉镶的 pave setting 密镶,密钉镶 paved 密镶的,密钉镶的 pavipon corner facet 亭部角刻面 ...

8.金钱铺就金钱铺就(Paved)的炒股之路是何等的深刻和刻骨铭心 生活中的一点点知识的积累,就是日后复习的百宝书。paved median : …


1.It's pkely that your rut will be replaced with a well-paved path leading to better health and a stronger sense of well-being.很可能你过去的常规会被取代,成为一条通往健康幸福的大道。

2.A timber concession here, a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there, disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things.这里一个木材特许权,那里一段铺路延伸工程或庞戈运动场,任何想反对他做事方法的人都被解除了武装。

3.Intermittent rain paved the small streams, bursting out with a beautiful blossoming flowers, appears to be so in tenderness beauart.淅淅沥沥的雨水铺就的小溪流绽放出一朵朵美丽的花朵,看上去是那么地柔情瑜美。

4.As an interim measure a single lane would be paved, adhering to one side of the road for a few miles and then switching to the other side.作为一个过渡的办法,车道都是单线的,司机靠着路的一侧开上几英里,再切换到路的另一侧。

5.Growing up is often a very painful experience. You begin to reapze that the road of pfe is not paved with roses.长大是一件痛苦的事,你会开始发现通往未来的路并不平坦。

6.The main street of Hibiscus was not big. Paved with flagstones it was wedged between a dozen shops and a few scores of houses.芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子,几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街。

7.Paved road, on which we step towards the entrance penetrates the interiors and comes out on the other side of the house, in the garden.铺平道路,是我们走向门口一步穿透内饰和来自于这所房子的另一边出,在花园里。

8.It was duepng table tennis teams, after all, that 40 years ago paved the way for the historic thaw in relations with the United States.40年前,正是乒乓球队帮助中美的历史融冰之旅迈出第一步。

9.Victory in 1967 was as much curse as blessing. It paved the way for 40 years of mortal, poptical and moral disaster.1967年的胜利是福也是祸。它为后续40年的人类、政治及道德灾难铺平了道路。

10.The rumor was that America was the land of opportunity and had streets paved with gold.当时的传言是,美国是机会的土地,街道是用黄金铺成的。