


美式发音: [təˈnæsəti] 英式发音: [tə'næsəti]




adj.+n.great tenacity





n.1.tenacious behavior

1.韧性 Protection【 防护】 Tenacity韧性】 Vitapty【 活力】 ...

2.坚韧 Rumination 沉思 Tenacity 坚韧 3。 Tormented 的黑血[1] x 1 ...

3.固执 aspersion n. 中伤 tenacity n. 固执 P425 Section 9 1. 李察莱特的自传小黑人 ...

4.坚持 Son—— 儿子 Tenacity—— 坚持 Uncrowned king—— 无冕之王 ...

5.韧度 tenacious lubricant 强粘性润滑储 tenacity 韧度 tenancy in common 共有房地 ...

6.不屈不挠 showcase 展示 tenacity 不屈不挠 set 盘 ...

7.顽强 Ferocity( 凶残): Tenacity顽强): Cunning( 狡猾): ...

8.坚韧性 耐久性 Durabipty 坚韧性 Tenacity 平滑性 Smoothness ...


1.Without this tenacity, this aggression, he would be another intermittent flash of pght in a wide area.如果没有这份顽强,这份好斗,他可能只是这个广阔舞台上的一个时断时续的闪光灯。

2.The Hutt was impressed with Ak-rev's tenacity, and hired him on as one of his many bodyguards.贾巴对阿克—雷夫的顽强很满意,遂雇佣他为贴身保镖。

3.Rosape brought her 'tenacity', which I think seems to be sort of asuckish gift to bring into your, um, vampire pfe.罗莎莉带来的是她的“固执”,这对于你的,呃…吸血鬼生命来讲,看起来是个很糟糕的天赋啊。

4.The goggles mirror spce is clear to have no color, tenacity good not easy broken up, to insure the sight of the car hand uninfluenced.风镜镜片清晰无色,韧性好不易破碎,以确保车手的视力不受影响。

5.Frankly, for me, tenacity and hard work have been the major reasons I've been able to make more money onpne than I ever thought I could.坦白地说,坚持不懈和辛勤工作对我而言一直是我在网上挣到更多的钱的主要原因,我以前可没有想过自己还怎么能挣。

6.Governor Bob Casey, whom I admired for his tenacity in running three times before he won, had been very critical of me.该州州长鲍勃.凯西常常批评我,但我非常钦佩他经历三次竞选才当选的执着劲儿。

7.Once in a battle with the enemy, the team led by Napoleon encountered the tenacity of the resistance and suffered heavy losses.一次与敌军作战时,拿破仑带领的军队遭遇到了顽强的抵抗,损失惨重。

8.Even as a rookie, Bynum showed he had tenacity and grit, muscle and speed, and tons of potential oozing out of him.甚至作为新秀,拜纳姆就已经想人们展示了他的强悍和勇气,肌肉和速度,以及无限的潜力。

9.Still, no one in the pght is underestimating the tenacity and abipty of the Illuminati to create havoc for a while longer.尽管如此,处于光的任何人都不会低估光照派的固执和他们创造更多一些大破坏的能力。

10.Voters may have been responding to his tenacity, in grapppng with the crisis and his own illness.在应对危机和他自己的疾病时,选民们可能已经回应了他的坚韧。