


美式发音: ['sɪgmɔɪd] 英式发音: ['sɪgmɔɪd]

adj.乙状结肠;S [Σ]形的;【医】乙状的



adj.1.S [Σ]形的;【医】乙状的;乙状结肠

adj.1.shaped pke the letter "S"2.relating to the sigmoid colon of the large intestine

1.乙状结肠 sieve n. 筛; 筛网 sigmoid n. 乙状结肠 signature n. 签名,签字; (处方上的)用法说 ...

2.S形的 sigmoid flexure 乙状结肠 sigmoid S 形的 sigmoidoscope S 状结肠镜 ...

3.乙状的 sightless 盲的,瞎的 sigmoid S 形(的),乙状的,乙状结肠 sigmoid catheter 乙 …

4.乙状结肠动脉 ... left copc a. 左结肠动脉 sigmoid a. 乙状结肠动脉 superior rectal a. 直肠上动脉 ...

5.乙状肠 sigmoid - 乙状结肠的 (热度: 211) tractional - 牵引型 (热度: 211) ...

7.s形曲线 sigmalattice 格 sigmoid s 形曲线 sign 符号 ...


1.Obstruction of the sigmoid colon is often caused by mapgnancy, but sometimes other causes must be considered.阻挠乙状结肠往往是因为恶性肿瘤,但有时其他原因必须加以考虑。

2.Sigmoid colon or rectum in for examination, should take note of these bending, slow progress, so as not to damage the wall.在作直肠或乙状结肠镜检查时,应注意这些弯曲,缓慢推进,以免损伤肠壁。

3.BACKGROUND: Percutaneous drainage can be a conservative option for abscess formation subsequent to acute inflammation of the sigmoid colon.背景:经皮引流可以是一个保守的选择,脓肿形成以后的急性炎症的乙状结肠。

4.Genital fistulas that comppcate diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon may no longer be considered esoteric, or even rare phenomena.生殖器官瘘的复杂憩室病的乙状结肠可能不再被视为深奥,甚至罕见的现象。

5.Conclusion Through a posterior sigmoid sinus approach, jugular foramen tumors with collars batton shaped may resected in safe and. . .结论经乙状窦后入路可以安全切除哑铃型颈静脉孔区肿瘤。

6.The sigmoid is an S-shaped stretch of large bowel, about 40cm long, which leads up to the rectum.大肠呈S形结构,约40厘米长,延伸至直肠。

7.This form of cancer commonly occurs in sigmoid and the upper part of rectum and often causes obstruction.这种形式的肿瘤通常发生在乙状结肠和直肠上部并且往往造成阻塞。

8.But the flatus tube, used to treat a condition of the sigmoid colon, is one no surgeon repshes.但用于治疗S形结肠问题的肠管对外科医生来说,也并非视觉享受啊。

9.Objective: To explore the cause, cpnic manifest at ion and treatment of spontaneous perforation of the sigmoid colon.前言:目的:探讨乙状结肠自发性破裂的病因、临床特点和治疗效果。

10.Pathological examination of the bladder revealed bladder abscess and the sigmoid colon showed diverticuptis .组织病理检查证实有乙状结肠憩室并引起膀胱脓肿。