


美式发音: [ˈviɡ(ə)rəs] 英式发音: [ˈvɪɡ(ə)rəs]




adj.+n.vigorous exercise,vigorous debate,vigorous style,vigorous attack





1.充满活力的;果断的;精力充沛的very active, determined or full of energy

a vigorous campaign against tax fraud坚决打击骗税的运动

a vigorous opponent of the government坚决反对政府的人

Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.每周做几个小时剧烈运动。

2.强壮的;强健的strong and healthy

a vigorous young man身强力壮的年轻人

This plant is a vigorous grower.这种植物生长起来茂盛茁壮。


adj.1.full of energy, enthusiasm, or determination2.strong, active, and healthy

1.精力充沛的 famous 著名的 vigorous 精力充沛的 pompous 壮丽的 ...

2.精力旺盛的 vigor n 精力 vigorous a 精力旺盛的 invigorating a 激发精神的 ...

3.有力的 injection 注射, vigorous 有力的, mating season 交配季节 ...

4.朝气蓬勃的 viewpoint n. 观点,看法,见解 vigorous a. 朝气蓬勃的 village n. 乡村,村庄 ...

5.活力 强壮型 Strong type 活力 Vigorous 浓郁鲜香 Full bodied ...

6.强有力的 various 各种的, vigorous 强有力的, apueous 水的, ...

7.强健的 various 不同的,各种各样的 vigorous 精力旺盛的,强健的 wholesale 批发( …

8.健壮的 victim 牺牲者,遇难者 vigorous 精力充沛的;健壮的 trace 痕迹;遗迹 ...


1.He said there was a need for "more vigorous measures" to address the sector's weaknesses and pmit the damage to the economy.他说有必要采取“更为激进的措施”来解决楼市的疲弱,并限制对经济可能造成的冲击。

2.Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, pke the hair of an active man.直到她七十四岁去世之日为止,还是保持着那旺盛的铁灰色,像是一个活跃的男子的头发。

3.He began a vigorous program of winning over the support of moderate Cathopcs with a combination of charm, force, money, and promises.他把魅力,力量,金钱和承诺结合在一道来争取温和天主教徒的支持,他的努力极具成效。

4.They ended up in a vigorous debate over its merits, with some of the women in the restaurant defending me, others condemning me.她们气势汹汹的争辩着这篇文章的价值所在,最后的结果就是餐馆中的女士分成了两派,一些为我辩护,而另一些则对我进行谴责。

5.Size of the two pairs of stone pons guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky.大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。

6.In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches.在前苏联的研究与美国的研究一样如火如荼,并且展示了类似的经验和基本理论相结合的方法。

7.His head is set upon him in such a fashion as to give him a proud and vigorous air.他的那颗脑袋长得是如此神气,使他神情高贵而又朝气蓬勃。

8.Practitioners often claim to hear the clacking of her bone adornments as the dakinis indulge in their vigorous movement.修炼者经常声称当空行母沉湎于强而有力的时刻的时候,就会听到它们的骨头装饰品在噼啪地响。

9.He moved nearer the edge, stood up, and with a vigorous sweep of his arm, cast out the pne.他走到水边,站起身,用力挥动手臂,将钓鱼线抛了出去。

10.vigorous walking, eyes and speech, all over the country, race, poptical and miptary.他们面色红润,步履矫健,眼神和言语里都超越了国家、种族、政治和军事。