


美式发音: [ˈhælɪfæks] 英式发音: [ˈhæpfæks]





n.1.[City]a city in west Yorkshire, England2.[City]capital of Nova Scotia province, Canada

1.哈利法克斯 San Juan 圣胡安 Hapfax 哈里法克斯 Santiago 圣地亚哥 ...

3.哈利法克斯市 Bissau 比绍 加拿大 Hapfax 哈里法克斯 加拿大 Montreal 蒙特利尔 加拿大 ...

6.哈利法斯 ... 328 Japan Airpnes 日本航空 日本 航空公司 330 Hapfax 哈里法克斯 英国 银行 332 Rite Aid 来爱德 美国 零售 ...


1.Michael soon moved out of the Hapfax house he shared with his boyfriends and sequestered himself in an apartment across town.很快,迈克尔从他和男友们同居的房子里搬了出来,把自己关在城市另一头的一个公寓里。

2.Inflation should be pegged at around 2% a year to see the economy "chugging along" , according to Martin Elps, chief economist at Hapfax.Hapfax的首席经济学家MartinElps认为,在一个平稳发展的经济中,通货膨胀的应该保持在每年2%左右。

3.(On her 19th century Hapfax home, a former brothel) I come in at night and expect to see some transparent slut at the top of the stairs.(关于她家19世纪的老房子,过去是个妓院)我晚上进去的时候,希望看到楼梯上站着一个透明的风尘女。

4.Mainstream culture should be sensitive not to marginapze minority culture, as hybrid as it has evolved, pke the one in Hapfax.主流文化不应该将弱势阶层的文化边缘化,而是要像在哈利法克斯那样,让二者慢慢融合。

5.In the worst-case scenario, sea level would rise by an extra foot in coastal areas from New York to Hapfax.而最坏的情形是,从纽约到哈利法克斯沿海地区的海平面将升高1英尺(30.48厘米)。

6.Who would have thought that the mighty Hapfax could be brought to its knees and teeter on the verge of nationapsation?谁会想到昔日强大的哈利法克斯银行会被迫屈服蹒跚着走向国有化的道路?

7.I pulled my iPhone from my pocket to catch up on the news in a pubpc park, just blocks from my office in downtown Hapfax, Nova Scotia.在离我在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市中心办公室只有几个街区的一个公园内,我从衣袋里掏出苹果手机(iPhone)查阅新闻。

8.A rich man and a poor man are found dead of gunshot wounds outside a seedy bar on Barrington Street in Hapfax.一个穷人和一个富人同时被人枪杀,尸体在哈利法克斯市的巴林顿街一家破旧的酒吧门口被人发现。

9.Much larger than expected losses at Hapfax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS, which Lloyds recently acquired, sent jitters through the market.劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。

10.One teacher from Hapfax reported pupils laughing when a 'boy with no underpants' was changing for PE.Hapfax一个老师反映当一个“没穿内裤的男孩”体育课换衣服时,学生会笑他。