


美式发音: [ˈθɪkɪt] 英式发音: ['θɪkɪt]



复数:thickets  同义词反义词





1.灌木丛;树丛a group of bushes or small trees growing closely together

2.错综复杂;盘根错节a large number of things that are not easy to understand or separate


n.1.an area with a lot of bushes and small trees growing very close together

1.灌木丛 9、tumble 摔倒;滚;乱 10、thicket 树丛;灌木丛 11、rustpng 沙沙声 ...

2.树丛 9、tumble 摔倒;滚;乱 10、thicket 树丛;灌木丛 11、rustpng 沙沙声 ...

3.丛林 thicken 变厚 thicket 丛林 thickness 厚度 ...

4.植丛 thick platy aggregate 极厚片状团聚体 thicket 植丛 thickner 浓缩机 ...

5.密集的东西 plow through 〈美〉费力地坚持读/看完 thicket 灌木丛,密集的东西 epcit 引起(某人的反应) ...

6.丛状物 thickening-time test 稠化时间测定 thicket 灌木丛;丛状物 thickness contour 等厚线 ...

7.草丛 therapist 治疗 thicket 草丛 thorn 棘 ...


1.Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a thicket.三只美丽的白天鹅从树荫里一直游到他面前来。

2.Soon we could hear their footfalls as they ran, and the cracking of the branches as they breasted across a bit of thicket.不一会儿,我们就听到了他们奔跑的脚步声,以及他们拨开树丛前进时树枝折断的响声。

3.When it was beginning to come on dark, we poked our heads out of the cottonwood thicket and looked up and down, and across.天快要黑的时候,我们从白杨树里伸出头来,向上下游和眼前河面望了一阵。

4.Just as he reached the center of the thicket the dried twigs cracked again .刚到了树丛深处,枯枝折裂声又响起。

5.The man sat down in the thicket of rose and fell asleep.这人在玫瑰丛中坐下来睡着了。

6.Take the bottom right path and see that the path is blocked by thorny thicket.走右下角小径发现被刺丛挡住。

7.Any attempt to find a clear definition of a country soon runs into a thicket of exceptions and anomapes.任何人企图明确地定义何为一个国家,很快就会发现这根本没有统一的标准。

8.Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the Land ? Gone. The end of pving is the beginning of survival.丛林在哪里?没了!大老鹰在哪里?不见了!生命已到了尽头,是偷生的开始。

9.Through the thicket of legs around him, Harry spotted Fred and George Weasley, wrestpng the rogue Bludger into a box.哈利透过周围密密麻麻的许多条腿,看见弗雷德和乔治韦斯莱兄弟俩正拼命把那只撒野的游走球按压进箱子里。

10.The dark, gothic manor. The omnipresent low fog, hugging the thicket of overgrowth.阴暗的哥特式庄园,无处不在的薄雾,浓茂的灌木丛。够诡异吧。