




1.采取手段 ... 手段强硬 a tough measure 采取手段 to take action 技术手段 a technical measure ...

2.着手 二次污染 secondary pollution 着手 to take action 环卫工人 street cleaner ...

3.去做我认为:“理想”是想了就去做to take action),只要有action肯定有结果; 而“梦想”是光想不做,理想无从谈起,只能叫做梦 …


1.As you think about how your goals improve your present reapty, eventually you'll feel motivated to take action.当你思考你的目标将怎样改变你的现状时,你就会充满行动的动力。

2.He said the parties had agreed to take action against the army chief, but later made an about face.他说,各政党本来一致同意对军队参谋长采取行动,但后来却完全背叛这个意见。

3.Action is the reason he hesitated: in the face of a great goal, he wants to take action but do not know how to action.他行动犹豫的原因应该是:在一个伟大的目标面前,他想采取行动但却不知如何去行动。

4.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。

5.It got to be a problem, They decided to take action.这肯定是有什么问题了,他们决定采取行动。

6.Tokyo has considered trying to take action against China at the WTO over the apparent disruption of exports.日本政府考虑过就出口明显受到干扰在WTO对中国采取行动。

7.Whether the masses understand it and are ready to take action can be discovered only by going into their midst and making investigations.群众是否已经了解并且是否愿意行动起来,要到群众中去考察才会知道。

8.The awareness of the fact that the child was in danger impelled the popce to take action.警察意识到小孩正处于危险中,这迫使他采取行动

9.Please call governments, everybody, to ask government to take action to stop SMIC School. Call School's PTA as well.请大家积极打电话给政府(教育局、物价局和财政局),请政府出面制止学校的疯狂举动。同时致电学校PTA。

10.The birds would not be able to find food until they start to take action and fly out of their comfort zone.只有当鸟儿们真正采取行动并且飞出它们的安乐窝,它们才能找到食物。