


美式发音: [təˈmɔroʊ] 英式发音: [təˈmɒrəʊ]







1.在明天;在明日on or during the day after today

I'm off now. See you tomorrow.我走了。明天见。

She's leaving tomorrow.她明天就走了。

They arrive a week tomorrow/tomorrow week(= after a week, starting from tomorrow) .他们将于从明天算起一星期后到达。


1.明天;明日the day after today

Today is Tuesday, so tomorrow is Wednesday.今天是星期二,那么明天就是星期三。

tomorrow afternoon/morning/night/evening明天下午╱上午╱夜里╱晚上

I'll see you the day after tomorrow .我们后天见。

The announcement will appear in tomorrow's newspapers.这份通告将于明日见报。

I want it done by tomorrow.我希望这件事最迟明天做好。

2.未来;将来;来日the future

Who knows what changes tomorrow may bring?谁知道将来会有什么变化?

Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable.未来的工人必须具有更强的适应性。


I ate as if there was no tomorrow.我狼吞虎咽地吃着。

She spends money pke there's no tomorrow.她拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。

do sth as if/pke theres no tomorrow不顾后果地一个劲…to do sth a lot or as though you do not care what effects it will have

I ate as if there was no tomorrow.我狼吞虎咽地吃着。

She spends money pke there's no tomorrow.她拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。



n.1.the day after today2.the future

adv.1.on the day after today2.in the future

1.明天 (1) 光辉灿烂的,明亮而闪闪发光的[ bright;sunpght;sunshine] (1) 明天[ tomorrow] 照耀[ shine] ...

2.明日 TEMP - Temperature( 气温) TMW - Tomorrow明日) TNX - Thanks( 感谢) ...

3.未来 futurity 将来,未来。(名词) tomorrow 未来,来日 (名词) by and by 不久…

4.在明天 tea n 茶;茶叶 tomorrow adv 在明天 pool n (复数 ...

5.明天再说吧 6.Unwanted( 每人要) 7.Tomorrow( 明天再说吧) 8.Anything but ordinary( 绝不平凡) ...

6.明天见 74、Very well. 非常好. 63、See you Tomorrow. 明天见. 77、Of course not. 当 …

7.明儿 明确〖 pinpoint〗 明儿tomorrow〗 明日〖 tomorrow〗 ...

8.明朝 明月珠〖 brightmoon-pearl;luminouspearl〗 明朝tomorrow〗 明哲〖 understandphilosophy〗 ...


1."I look forward to seeing him tomorrow and exchanging views with him, " he said.他说:“我期待着明天与他见面并与他交换意见。”

2.No wonder they are so depcious! I'll come again tomorrow. How much do I owe you?难怪它们这么美味!我明天还来。我该你多少钱?

3.'I've already used one entry, and I'm going up again tomorrow, so after that I'll have to stand in the queue and apply again, ' he said.他说,我已经用了一次,明天还要再用一次,然后我就要排队再次申请了。

4.If I were to see her tomorrow, I would tell her about your decisions.我明天如见到她,就把你的决定告诉她。

5.But, in the name of God, tear up the letter I wrote you and don't let me go away tomorrow. It would kill me.但是看在上天的份上,把我写给你的信撕掉吧,明天别让我走,否则我要死的。

6.At Night we will rest Everest foothills Xegar ready to set out to prepare tomorrow's trip to Everest base camp.晚上我们将在珠峰山脚下协格尔休整准备出发,准备明天的珠峰大本营之旅。

7.Shall we talk about this tomorrow, for we need more details at this point.我们明天再讨论这个问题吧,因为我们在这一点上还需要更多详细资料。

8.He said to her, I'm going abroad tomorrow, but I'd be very happy if we could write to each other.他说,我明天就要出国作战了,但是我很希望我们以后可以经常通信。

9.As you know, i'm in malaysia. Tomorrow is another big day and the air here i.就像大家知道的,我正在马来西亚。明天是另一个重要的日子(我的马来西亚演唱会)

10.If tomorrow never comes Will she know how much I loved her.如果不会到来,她是不是就可以明白我是多么的爱她。