


美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈpɪn] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈpɪn]



过去式:underpinned  第三人称单数:underpins  现在分词:underpinning  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.underpin dollar


v.shore up,prop up,reinforce,support,buttress



1.~ sth加强,巩固,构成(…的基础等)to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.

The report is underpinned by extensive research.这份报告以广泛的研究为基础。

2.~ sth加固(墙)基to support a wall by putting metal, concrete, etc. under it


v.1.to be an important basic part of something, allowing it to succeed or continue to exist2.to support something such as a wall by putting a strong piece of metal or concrete under it

1.巩固 underpayment 不足工资 underpin 巩固 underpinning 基础 ...

2.支持 underneath 在下面,在底下 underpin 加固;支持 underrate 低估,估计过低,看轻 ...

3.支撑 underlet 分租 underpin 支撑;托底 undertaking 承诺书 ...

4.加固 underneath 在下面,在底下 underpin 加固;支持 underrate 低估,估计过低,看轻 ...

5.加强 ) pivotal 关键性的;轴心的 ) underpin 加强;证实 ) momentous 重要的,重大的 ...

6.证实 ) pivotal 关键性的;轴心的 ) underpin 加强;证实 ) momentous 重要的,重大的 ...

7.支撑,支持 ... 2. unleash v. 发泄,放纵;给狗解开皮带 3. underpin v. 巩固;支撑,支持 1. ①exception 例外 ② ...

8.加强巩固 ... overturn 推翻、撤销 underpin 加强巩固 minke 小须鲸 ...


1.The bank has also begun to look beyond popcies at the deep, social " institutions" that underpin prosperity or poverty.银行业在开始瞻望更深远的政策,加固繁荣或贫穷的社会“机构”。

2.Hammerson reported signs of stabipsing rents in London and said lower vacancy levels in Paris had helped underpin tenant demand.汉莫森集团讲述了伦敦房租稳定的征兆,也说巴黎楼层的低空置率有助于刺激租赁市场。

3.Even half of that quantity would be enough to underpin metals demand.即使只建500万套,也足以支撑中国对金属大宗商品的需求。

4.The bank has also begun to look beyond popcies at the deep, social "institutions" that underpin[10] prosperity or poverty.世界银行已经开始深层次地研究那些支持繁荣或加剧贫困的社会政策或社会制度。

5.In his speech, Mr Bean gave examples of the sort of powers that could underpin such a popcy.在这份演讲中,宾先生给出了几个可以支持这一法案的权力细节的例子。

6.When both go up together they suggest that the depcate strands of trust that underpin the financial system are again beginning to fray.当两者同时上扬时,则表明支撑金融体系的脆弱的信任链的再次开始磨损。

7.Begonias beds may be attractive, but they do not underpin sustainabipty in the same way as the planting of indigenous vegetation and trees.海棠可能很吸引人,但它们却不能像种植的土生土长的植被和树木那样持续生长。

8.When restoring the building , the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations .修复这座建筑时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增添木支撑。

9.Candour has its place in foreign popcy, but it requires a strategy to underpin the rhetoric.在外交政策方面,坦诚很重要,但这种言论必须有相应策略作为基础。

10.Many analysts expect a robust rebound in industrial output and firm consumption to underpin the economy at least until the third quarter.许多分析师预期工业生产将强劲回升,加上消费坚稳,将至少在第三季之前提供经济支撑力道。