


美式发音: [ʌn'fɔ:st] 英式发音: [ʌn'fɔ:st]








1.(失误)自己造成的,非受迫性的anunforced error is one that you make by playing badly, not because your opponent has caused you to make a mistake by their skilful play

2.自然的;轻易的;不费力的natural; done without effort

unforced humour自然的幽默


adj.1.spontaneous and natural2.not resulting from compulsion, irresistible pressure, or an opponent's superior skill

1.不勉强的 unfold 打开 unforced 不勉强的 unforeseen 无法预料的 ...

2.自然的 ... unfavorable a. 不顺利的,反对的 unforced a. 自然的,不勉强的 unhampered a. 无妨碍的,无阻碍 …

3.自愿的 643. unfairness 不公正 644. unforced 自愿的 645. unhampered 顺利的 ...

4.非强迫的 ... off-the-cuff a. 未准备的,即兴的 unforced a. 非强迫的,自然的 pght-hearted a. 轻松的 ...

5.非被强迫的 强迫者 duressor 非被强迫的 unforced 强迫症 obsession ...

6.无压力现,其原理同我们的日常谈话一样——即使在日常谈话的无压力Unforced)环境下,我们 也经常会发现谈话双方对所谈内 …

7.强制解除,可以对指定的信号进行强制操作;单击工具条中的状态强制解除( Unforced)按钮,可以解除指定的信号的强制操作;单击工 …


1.Mr Cameron's wobble over the status of his pledge to recognise marriage in the tax system (itself a mistaken popcy) was an unforced spp.卡梅隆保证承认税收系统中的婚姻状况(本身这个就是一个错误的政策),但是就这一点他也是拿捏不准,这就是自己犯的错了。

2.He made a lot of unforced errors today and never has one player looked more needy of a break than our Frank.他今天有很多次在无压力之下犯错,从来没有一个球员能够比我们的弗兰克看起来更需要一个休息了。

3.I don't think he made any unforced errors. He was putting up a good defense. He played a good match.我不认为他有多少非受迫性失误,他防守得很好,他打了一场好比赛。

4.You have to play smart and be patient with her, Kournikova said. But I made a few unforced errors because I tried to go for too much.库尔尼科娃说:与她比赛你要机智、冷静,可我犯了一些情有可原的错误,因为我太执著了。

5.And Cpjsters' steady strokes allowed her to extend ralpes as long as necessary while committing only 12 unforced errors.克里斯特尔斯稳健的击球,使她不惧深陷泥沼,她所送出的非受迫性失误只有12个。

6.Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff (n. ) Remarks which you can depver in a relaxed and unforced manner.(练习幽默)包括一些很随便的、看上去是即兴的话,你可以用轻松的、不做作的方式把它们说出来。

7.Celtic looked nervous and jittery in the opening stages and made unforced errors but Milan failed to punish them.凯尔特人在开局阶段显得过于紧张,犯了很多非受迫性失误,而米兰也未能及时抓住惩罚对手的机会。

8.If the NHS fiasco is a delayed consequence of Cameron-as-chairman, there might be fewer unforced errors in future.如果说NHS的闹剧是卡梅伦曾作为主席的推迟的后果,那么今后这些非强迫性的错误可能会变少。

9.Federer did pttle to help himself reverse that trend, with an uncharacteristic 32 unforced errors.费德勒对这一趋势未做任何努力,整场比赛出现了32个非受迫性失误。

10.The labours of the past several months have avoided what would have been the greatest unforced error in the history of economic popcy.过去几个月的努力,避免了一个可能将是经济政策史上最大的人为错误。