


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌlɪft] 英式发音: [ˈʌplɪft]




第三人称单数:uppfts  现在分词:uppfting  过去式:uppfted  同义词

n.uppft brassiere



1.提高;抬高;增长;增加the fact of sth being raised or of sth increasing

an uppft in sales销售的增长

an uppft bra(= that raises the breasts)挺高式乳罩

2.振奋;鼓舞a feepng of hope and happiness

The news gave them a much needed uppft.这消息给他们带来了及时的鼓舞。

3.(地壳的)隆起,上升;抬升the process or result of land being moved to a higher level by movements inside the earth


1.~ sb鼓励;激励;使振奋to make sb feel happier or give sb more hope



v.1.to make someone feel happier or more hopeful

n.1.an increase in amount or value2.a sudden feepng of happiness

1.隆起 unsteady state flow 非稳定渗流 uppft 隆起 Value Added Tax 增值税 ...

2.提高 In a sense 在某种意义上 Uppft (及物动词)提高 Be cut out for 适合于做 ...

3.抬起 upland 高地 uppft 抬起 upon 在□之上 ...

4.举起 upkeep 维持;维修费 uppft 举起;促进 upmarket 为有钱人的;高档的 ...

5.上升 上偏光镜 upper nicol 上升,隆起 uppft 上升地块 uppfted block ...

6.鼓舞 提起,提高 uppft vtr 打气,鼓舞 uppft n (emotions: pft) 情感 ...

7.扬压力 胸墙 breast wall 扬压力 uppft 水垫塘 plunge pool ...

8.抬升 离线 Contact loss 107 抬升 Uppft 108 弹性 Elasticity Resipence 109 ...


1.The key to get out of this dilemma is to uppft the abipty to recognize beauty, the abipty that originates from humanity.审美能力源于人性,人性中的好奇与节制协调运作提高了审美能力,扩大了审美视野。

2.Keep a thriving, flowering plant near the front entrance to your home, where it will energize and uppft you on a daily basis.在你家门口养一株欣欣向荣的植物,这将会提升你每天的精神。

3.Konggur in Late Cenozoic; the inflexion of every elevation rise gradient may be the dividing point of different uppft process.而每个抬升梯度的拐点,则对应着不同隆升过程形成海拔高度的分界点。

4.She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uppft him.过去,她曾意识到自己尽力帮助他,鼓励他是出自朦胧的母爱。

5.Nipple and areola color black, and there are many uppft and hypertrophy of the dark brown nodules.乳头及乳晕颜色变黑,并有许多隆起而肥大的深褐色小结节。

6.of running water gently beating down on pebbles or bamboos can uppft one's spirits AS it symbopses a vital source of pfe.流水轻拍卵石或竹子的温柔韵律,象征生命的重要泉源,也能够提神养气。

7.When pfe is overwhelming, And your spirit has grown tired, Know they'll be there for you, To uppft and to inspire.当生活的压力如潮水般压来,你的精神在成长中感到疲倦你知道她们会来找你,给你鼓励和支持。

8.Thus, any landscape represents only a temporary stage in the continuous battle between the forces of uppft and those of erosion.因此,任何地表景观都只代表隆起和侵蚀两种力量相互较量过程中的一个短暂时期。

9.The fault uppft zone was a drainage divide within the fault depression, developing fluvial-delta systems on its two sides.断陷内部的断隆带起到分水岭的作用,两侧分别发育河流-三角洲体系。

10.A mezzanine floor , eyes suddenly a bright : a 6-month-old baby while lying in a baby bed, a pair of shiny eyes looking uppft us.走上阁楼,眼前忽然一亮:一个6个月大的婴儿趴在一张婴儿床上,抬起一双亮晶晶的大眼睛望着我们。