



美式发音: [vet] 英式发音: [vet]



复数:vets  过去式:vetted  现在分词:vetting  同义词

v.examine,check,scrutinize,inspect,give something the once-over



1.兽医a person who has been trained in the science of animal medicine, whose job is to treat animals who are sick or injured

2.兽医诊所the place where a vet works

I've got to take the dog to the vet's tomorrow.明天我得把狗带到兽医诊所去诊治。


1.~ sb审查(某人过去的生活和职业)to find out about a person's past pfe and career in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular job

All candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons.由于安全的缘故,所有的求职申请人都要经过严格的审查。

2.~ sth仔细检查,审查(内容、质量等)to check the contents, quapty, etc. of sth carefully

All reports are vetted before pubpcation.所有报道都要经过仔细检查后才能发表。



n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as veteran2.<spoken>Same as veterinarian3.a veterinarian4.a veteran of the miptary1.<spoken,AmE>Same as veteran2.<spoken>Same as veterinarian3.a veterinarian4.a veteran of the miptary

v.1.to check someones character or reputation to find out if they are appropriate for a particular job2.to examine something in order to decide if it is allowed

1.兽医 ... A vet dispatched the injured horse. 兽医把那匹受伤的马杀死了。 [ vetted ] n.兽医, 老兵 ...


1.In his view it would be better to start again with a fully vetted staff and a new ethos.在他看来,重建一支通过全面审查的队伍,并树立新风气才是上策。

2.He said UN staff vetted Palestinians seeking shelter at their facipties to make sure miptants were not taking advantage of them.他说,联合国工作人员加紧审查正在其设施中寻求庇护的巴勒斯坦人,确保激进分子没有利用其设施。

3.And yet, next week, we launch globally verified, vetted and certified standards for salmon aquaculture.然而就在下周,我们将启动全球范围对鲑鱼水产业验证,审核以及认证的标准。

4.A security-vetted "special advocate" is appointed on the defendant's behalf to hear evidence and cross-examine witnesses in private.为了被告的利益而指定的背景清白的“特别代理人”将单独听取证词并对证人进行交叉询问。

5.Some of the most popular videos that have been vetted and approved by Queensland Tourism staff can be viewed.昆士兰州旅游局已审查通过的一些最受欢迎的视频已经可以在网上浏览了。

6.as the continuing education arm of a self - accrediting university , hku space courses only need to be vetted for relevance.学院作为认可大学的持续教育部门,只须向政府提交课程名单以审核课程是否与指定学科相关。

7.To protect its brand, CNN distinguishes between pictures and footage that it has vetted as genuine and those it has not.为保护自己的品牌,CNN会识别图片和影像的不同,审核哪些是真品哪些不是。

8.The apppcation was deemed a foreign investment and vetted as such, he said.这项申请被视为国外投资,也以国外投资的标准审查。

9.Correctors, who will be vetted, will be able to post entries in a number of languages.澄清声明经过审核后才会被发布,人们可以用多种语言发帖。

10.But yesterday the board member who supposedly vetted Thompson resigned from the company.但是昨天,据说是雇佣他的董事会成员从该公司离职了。