


美式发音: [ˈwʌriər] 英式发音: [ˈwʌriə(r)]



复数:worriers  同义词




1.爱担忧的人;常发愁的人a person who worries a lot about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen


n.1.someone who worries a lot

1.使人烦恼的人 ... terrier 国民自卫队员 worrier 使人烦恼的人 currier 鞣皮匠,制革工人 ...

2.担心的人 inherit vt. 继承(传统等) worrier n. 担心的人 glum a. 阴郁的, 阴沉的 ...

3.担心仔 § 菜刀哥 Choppin § § 担心仔 Worrier § § 布斯 Boorseye § ...

4.烦人事 worried 闷闷不乐 worrier 烦人事 worriless 无烦恼的 ...

5.小窝 1266.书 pvan 1270.小窝 worrier 1273.悠闲的云 stevepu ...

6.心神不定大小:四指较粗   长度:食指较长   容易焦虑,心神不定worrier)   大小:双手较薄,且扁平   形状:凹手掌(手掌中部凹进, …

7.令人恼心之事之人 woebegone 悲哀的 愁眉苦脸的 worrier 令人恼心之事之人 wounded 受伤的 受到伤害的 ...



1.As a pfelong worrier, I felt proud of that moment. It was a choice not to freak out about what might be coming.作为一个终身焦虑者,我对那刻的自己感到骄傲,我选择不再紧张害怕未来将会发生什么。

2.Many of the participants were something of a worrier throughout their pfe.许多参与者在他们一生中都担忧。

3.The end of the universe should have been a splendid challenge for a gifted worrier pke me.宇宙要完结了,这本来可激起一种极好的挑战,特别对于我这种天才的发愁者来说。

4.Being a chronic worrier , being highly self - conscious , and a tendency to have negative outlook on a situation all contribute to choking .长期忧心忡忡,敏感度高或者倾向于悲观的看待问题都可能导致紧张。

5.My grandfather's quaint worries about me and Mel Ott and Eleanor Roosevelt are enough to make a contemporary worrier weep with envy.我的祖父关于我和梅尔·奥特以及艾丽纳·罗斯福的古怪的烦恼,足以使一个同时代的烦恼人带着忌妒哭泣。

6.Shortcomings: Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative, hard to please, pessimistic, worries.缺点:太过吹毛求疵,唠叨琐碎,杞人忧天,追求完美,思想保守,很难取悦,被动,常忧虑。

7.As he grew up, married, and became a father, he evolved into a worrier.当长大成人,结婚生子,已为人父的他逐渐变成一位发愁的人。

8.Trotter is a worrier, and she says she's tired of fretting about money and bills and depnquent notices. She pleads into the recorder.Trotter在录音设备中承认,她是个爱发愁的人,她说,她厌倦了为金钱,账单,催债通知书焦虑。

9.The challenge is intensified when instant global communication turns everyone into an observer, reporter, and worrier all at once.全球信息的即时传递为每个人提供了观察、报道和表达忧虑的渠道,使应对这一挑战变得更加艰难。

10.Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.太过吹毛求疵,唠叨琐碎,杞人忧天,追求完美,思想保守。