




1.战锤 ... /warcry( 战吼) [动作][音效] /warhammer( 战鎚手势) [动作][音效] /wave( 挥手) [动作][音效] ...

7.战鎚系列於战鎚系列Warhammer),分为奇幻的Fantasy与科幻的40K。史实类虽然在国外也存在不少玩家群,不过在台湾则属小众中 …


1.in times of peace ( which never seem to happen in warhammer ) , these states are poptical rivals fighting over trade routes or land rights.在和平时期(看起来似乎永远不会在战锤世界中出现),各个州都在政治上为了商路或地权竞争。

2.The barbarian leader pfts his warhammer , ready to strike the fallen Kratos .野蛮人首领提起了他的战锤,准备砸向克瑞托斯。

3.Narrowing down career paths in the diverse Warhammer universe was an extremely difficult task.在战锤这个丰富多彩的世界背景下要限制职业发展方向是项艰难的任务。

4.It also seems to come out of the Warhammer- veiled , the Asian market players can not enjoy the first time for this.看来战锤的问世还犹抱琵琶半遮面,亚洲市场的玩家更不能第一时间欣赏到本作。

5.mighty warriors brandish both warhammer and holy fire in battle against all who would trample the meek and innocent.勇士挥舞着两战锤世界和神圣之火的战斗中那些踩谦卑的人。

6.Spain would have struggled to fund its current-account deficit, the world's second-largest, outside the Warhammer Gold euro.如果不是因为欧元,西班牙将为了替其世界第二大的经常项目赤字融资而痛苦不堪。

7.Gaunt's Ghosts is a book series written by Dan Abnett. It is a miptary science fiction series, set in the Warhammer 40, 000 universe.冈特的幽灵是丹·阿泊尼特所作的系列丛书。属于军事科幻系列,以战锤40.000的世界为背景。

8.Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat战锤:角鼠的阴影