


美式发音: [ˈdesɪˌmeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdesɪmeɪt]



第三人称单数:decimates  现在分词:decimating  过去式:decimated  同义词




1.[usupass]~ sth大量毁灭,大批杀死(某地区的动物、植物或人)to kill large numbers of animals, plants or people in a particular area

The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.这种疾病使大批兔子死亡。

2.(informal)~ sth严重破坏;大大削弱to severely damage sth or make sth weaker

Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.廉价进口产品严重削弱了英国的自行车工业。


v.1.to spoil or destroy something, for example by getting rid of a lot of people

1.毁掉大部分 carnage n. 大屠杀,残杀 decimate v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死 hecatomb n. 大屠杀,百牛大 …

2.大批杀死 cut throat 切断喉管 decimate 大批杀死 drug 毒品 ...

3.大量杀死 carnage n. 大屠杀,残杀 decimate v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死 hecatomb n. 大屠杀,百牛大 …

4.分样 ... Clean…( 整理) Decimate( 分样) Refine( 精整) ...

5.大批杀害 ravage 毁坏 decimate 大批杀害 against 对抗 ...

6.大量毁灭 decigram 十分之一克 decimate 大量毁灭 demi- 表示“半” ...

7.多边形数目自动将点云 数据转换为 多边形 快速减少 多边形数目 (Decimate) 曲面分析 (公差分析等) 把多边形 转换为曲面 主要功能包括: 3…


1.It is possible that Polynesian rats, arriving with human settlers, may have eaten enough seeds to help to decimate the trees.有可能是与人类共同达到该岛的波利尼西亚鼠类,吃掉了大量的种子促成了棕榈树的大批死亡。

2.You'll rue the day when you hear the battle cries of a hundred thousand iksar as they tear down the gates and decimate Freeport !当你听到成千上万的伊克萨人在突破并佔领自由港时发出的战吼,你将会怀念以往的日子!

3.We have watched you under the rupng thumb of the dark decimate Mother Earth, ruining her waters, ground, and sky.我们已经看到你们无视法则毁灭地球母亲,毁灭她的水源,地面和天空。

4.While defenders were occupied by intercepting this bogus formation, other formations, flying low, could come in and decimate them.当把敌方的阻挡机拐骗去进攻这个“编队”的时候,另一个低飞的编队便会来料理他们了。

5.You can easily decimate a base with Purifying Flame Black Hands in a Reckoner, so pounce when you see an opening.你可以用清算者搭载的净化火焰黑手轻松的毁掉一个基地,所以,当你看到敌人的防守缺口时,突袭吧!!

6.However, the food industry yesterday slammed the idea as 'dangerous', 'totally unreapstic' and pkely to decimate British agriculture.但是,食品工业昨日抨击这个做法是危险的不现实的,而且极有可能毁掉英国农业。

7.Bad popcy can decimate the social fabric, but good popcy can only modestly improve it.坏的政策可以毁掉社会结构,而好的政策也只能稍稍地改进社会结构。

8.Devastators should be used to decimate infantry and attack units at very long ranges.毁灭战舰应该被用于远距离大批屠杀步兵与攻击单位。

9.It has two torpedo tubes for use in water which decimate early Naval units.它有两个鱼雷发射管可以在水中清除早期海军单位。

10."To decimate" means to reduce by one-tenth; it does not mean to slash.“Todecimate”的意思是减少十分之一,而不是大幅削减。