


美式发音: 英式发音: [kein]






n.1.a man

1.凯恩 Inspector 美国探索者 KANE 英国凯恩 JUN-AIR 丹麦 ...

6.凯恩仪器 HACH 哈希 Kane 凯恩仪器 KIKUSUI 菊水 ...

7.肯呢 柯拉 KEORA 肯呢 KANE 金生 KINSON ...


1."I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a comppment to his own hardy condition.“我也这么想,”甘老先生蔼然的说,仿佛儿子的报告就是对于自己依然康强的一种恭维。

2.This is the result of his experiment a good anti-allergy stuff, felt interest of the enemy can see Kane.这是经过自己实验的抗过敏的好东东,有感兴味的冤家可以去看看哦。

3."Seeing the karaoke machine at the top of that pst made me smile, " said Kane Kramer, a director of the British Inventors Society.英国发明家协会的负责人凯恩•克拉默说:“看到卡拉OK机出现在排行榜首位时我笑了。”

4.Kane, who was using the money to buy treats for his pet hamster Splodge, said he would try to look for other work.凯恩用这些工钱为他的宠物仓鼠“斯普罗基”买食物,他说他将努力寻找其他工作。

5.A man named Thomas Kane asked President Buchanan to let him go to Utah. Kane was an old friend of the president.有一位名叫托马斯.凯恩的人,他请求布坎南总统让他到犹他地区去。

6.No one told her that he had sent for Jennie. The Kane family did not know.至于雷斯脱曾把珍妮叫来的事,并没有人告诉她,甘家也都没有人知道。

7.Mike O'Kane, editor of the Irish Daily Star, said he treated Kate as he would any celebrity.《爱尔兰每日星报》主编迈克?奥凯恩称自己像对待其他名人一样对待凯特王妃。

8."He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane.“他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。

9.When he saw it a touch of the old Kane home atmosphere came back to him.及到那里一看,他就立刻感触着当年甘氏老家的那种空气。

10.''Kane's got no other income other than what he gets from his parents and will have to come cap in hand to us now. ''除了从父母那里得到的钱,凯恩没有其他收入了,他将不得不恭恭敬敬地来向我们要钱。