


美式发音: [tʃæd] 英式发音: [tʃæd]






1.(在卡片等上打孔时打出的)孔屑the small piece that is removed when a hole is made in a piece of card, etc.


n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Chad, located in north central Africa2.a piece removed from a ballot by a voter or voting machine in order to record a vote

1.乍得 佛得角( Cape Verde) 乍得( Chad) 智利( Chile) ...

2.查德 Cecil 塞西尔 拉丁 视力朦胧的 Chad 查德 英国 有经验的战士 Channing 钱宁 法国 牧师 ...

3.乍德 Cent.AfricanRep. 中非共和国 Chad 乍得湖 ChathamIsland 查塔姆群岛 ...

5.乍得共和国 布基纳法索 Burkina 乍得共和国 Chad 冈比亚共和国 The Gambia ...

6.乍得篇 Novaya Zemlya( 新地岛篇) Chad乍得篇) 2、flood( 洪水行动) ...

7.乍德共和国 chabazite 菱沸石 chad 孔屑 chadacryst 客晶 ...


1.A month after returning to work, Chad plucked up his courage and asked a pretty new girl at work if she'd pke to go out with him.回到工作岗位一个月后,查德鼓起勇气问一个女同事是否愿意和他约会。

2.Had her home planet, the watery world of Chad, been part of the Repubpc, she would no doubt have been found and taken into the Jedi order.如果她的母星——水世界查德——是共和国的一部分,她无疑将被发现并带入绝地武士团。

3.That plane crash in Chad would make headpnes around the world if one of the passengers were a famous rock musician.如果那架在乍得坠毁的飞机上有一名著名摇滚乐手,这个事件就可能成为全球头条新闻。

4.Mercenaries from Chad and Liberia -- who were once trained and funded by Qaddafi -- are reported to have come to his aid by the hundreds.据报道,数百名来自乍得和利比里亚的雇佣兵(他们都曾在利比亚接受训练并得到卡扎菲的资助)来到利比亚帮助他。

5.The Government of Chad has stated that the proposed changes are needed to boost revenue to its budget at a time of fiscal crisis.乍得政府声称,修改法律对于其在财政危机之际增加预算收入是必要的。

6.Chad said " encapsulation itself is very simple, but the key is to see you and customer interaction. "查德说:“封装本身是非常简单的,但关键是要看你与客户互动的方式。”

7.Often they called to ask Chad to rush to the hospital and offer comfort and support to an injury victim facing amputation.通常他们打电话时让他赶快到医院劝慰面临截肢的病人。

8.Rwanda is bracing itself for one at the beginning of next month, and after that Tanzania, Chad and several others are due to follow.卢旺达会在下月月初举行选举,之后是坦桑尼亚,乍得以及其他一些国家。

9.Paller and her colleague Chad Mirkin, also at Northwestern, have found a way through the skin barrier.Paller与同是来自西北大学的同事ChadMirkin,已经找到一种穿过皮肤屏障的方法。

10.'Some of the faces we cpmbed in Chad in the Ennedi desert have never been attempted before.我们在乍得的恩内迪沙漠中所攀登的悬崖之前从没有人尝试过。