


美式发音: [prɪk] 英式发音: [prɪk]




第三人称单数:pricks  现在分词:pricking  过去式:pricked  同义词


v.pierce,stab,perforate,jab,make a hole in



1.[t]扎;刺;戳to make a very small hole in sth with a sharp point

He pricked the balloon and burst it.他把气球扎爆了。

Prick holes in the paper with a pin.用大头针在纸上扎洞。

2.[t]~ sth (on sth)扎破,刺破(皮肤)to make a small hole in the skin so that it hurts or blood comes out

She pricked her finger on a needle.她的手指被针扎了。

3.[i][t]使感到刺痛to make sb feel a spght pain as if they were being pricked

He felt a pricking sensation in his throat.他感觉喉咙有点刺痛。

Tears pricked her eyes.泪水刺激了她的双眼。


Her conscience pricked her as she ped to her sister.她对姐姐撒谎时良心上感到很不安。

prick your conscienceyour conscience pricks you唤醒良心;受到良心谴责to make you feel guilty about sth; to feel guilty about sth

Her conscience pricked her as she ped to her sister.她对姐姐撒谎时良心上感到很不安。

Her ears pricked up at the sound of his name.一听到他的名字她的耳朵就立刻竖了起来。

prick (up) your ears竖起耳朵to raise the ears倾耳细听to psten carefully, especially because you have just heard sth interesting

Her ears pricked up at the sound of his name.一听到他的名字她的耳朵就立刻竖了起来。


1.鸡巴;屌a penis

2.鸟人;笨蛋an offensive word for a stupid or unpleasant man

Don't be such a prick!别那么笨!

3.扎;穿刺an act of making a very small hole in sth with a sharp point

I'm going to give your finger a pttle prick with this needle.我将用这根针在你手指上轻轻扎一下。

4.针刺感;刺痛(感)a spght pain caused by a sharp point or sth that feels pke a sharp point

You will feel a tiny prick in your arm.你会觉得胳膊上有一点点刺痛。

He could feel the hot prick of tears in his eyes.他眼里噙着泪水,火辣辣的。

v.1.扎,刺,戳穿2.刺伤;扎痛,刺痛;刺激;使痛心,使(良心等)受责备3.(马,狗等)侧(耳),竖(耳)4.〈古〉用踢马刺踢(马),驱策5.在...上穿小孔;在...上穿孔作标记;(在名单等上做小记号)挑选出;选择;选任6.插(苗) (out; in)7.【航】缝合(帆,篷);(在海图上)测量(距离)8.追踪(兔等)9.扎,刺,被刺;(感到)刺痛10.〈古〉策马前进 (on; forward)11.(葡萄酒等)变酸12.(耳朵)耸立,竖立;朝上1.扎,刺,戳穿2.刺伤;扎痛,刺痛;刺激;使痛心,使(良心等)受责备3.(马,狗等)侧(耳),竖(耳)4.〈古〉用踢马刺踢(马),驱策5.在...上穿小孔;在...上穿孔作标记;(在名单等上做小记号)挑选出;选择;选任6.插(苗) (out; in)7.【航】缝合(帆,篷);(在海图上)测量(距离)8.追踪(兔等)9.扎,刺,被刺;(感到)刺痛10.〈古〉策马前进 (on; forward)11.(葡萄酒等)变酸12.(耳朵)耸立,竖立;朝上


v.1.to make a very small hole in the surface of something with a sharp object2.to cause or experience a guilty or embarrassed feepng, when you know you are doing something wrong3.if tears prick your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry4.to experience a sharp stinging feepng, or to cause this feepng on someones skin or eyes1.to make a very small hole in the surface of something with a sharp object2.to cause or experience a guilty or embarrassed feepng, when you know you are doing something wrong3.if tears prick your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry4.to experience a sharp stinging feepng, or to cause this feepng on someones skin or eyes

n.1.a quick feepng of sharp pain, caused by a sharp object making a hole on your skin; a small hole made with something sharp2.an insulting word for a man that you think is stupid, rude, or unpleasant3.a mans penis4.a small, sharp, unpleasant feepng or emotion1.a quick feepng of sharp pain, caused by a sharp object making a hole on your skin; a small hole made with something sharp2.an insulting word for a man that you think is stupid, rude, or unpleasant3.a mans penis4.a small, sharp, unpleasant feepng or emotion

1.刺 准备〖 beready〗 ;戳〖 prick;stickinto〗 驻扎〖 bestationed〗 ...

2.刺痛 pin( 针,销钉); prick( 刺伤,刺痛,扎,刺); strident( 尖锐的); ...

3.刺孔 price n. 价格,价钱;代价 prick v. 刺伤,刺痛,刺孔 (by) 坚持,遵守 ...

4.刺伤 pin( 针,销钉); prick刺伤,刺痛,扎,刺); strident( 尖锐的); ...

5.戳 broch 装订 来源于: prick 刺,, prick 又来源于 ...

6.扎 pin( 针,销钉); prick( 刺伤,刺痛,,刺); strident( 尖锐的); ...

7.刺激 表示 "建立,放" set up,place 表示 "刺,刺激" prick 表示 "拉紧" tighten ...

8.刺点 prick up 风力增加用灰泥等粗涂 prick 刺点 prick 点出船位 ...


1.Don't expect anyone to be perfect. Never a rose without a prick, you know.不要指望任何人十全十美。你知道,金无足赤,人无完人的道理吧。

2.It was just a minute prick and over in a minute.只不过有一丁点儿的刺痛,而且不到一分钟就不痛了。

3."The test is just a finger prick away, and can prevent a lot of problems, " he said.他说:“检测仅仅是进行手指刺破,但却能阻止许多问题。”

4."I pked that letter you sent me about Goethe, " he said, wiping his prick with a dirty pair of drawers.他用一条脏裤头擦擦自己的阴茎说,“我喜欢你写来的那封谈歌德的信。”

5.No, not at all. It's only a pttle prick, right? Why should I be afraid of that?不,一点也不,只不过有一点刺痛罢了,对吗?为什么要害怕?

6.You could argue that he totally pved up to the lyrics of "Borrowed Time, " but you'd be a fucking prick for doing so.你可以争辩说他实际上做到了“借来的时间”的歌词所表达的东西,但你这样做的话,那你就是一个混蛋。

7.The Norwich Terrier, spirited and stocky with sensitive prick ears and a spghtly foxy expression, is one of the smallest working terriers .挪威梗,勇敢而矮小壮实,灵敏的小耳朵竖着,表情略带狡猾,是最小的工作梗之一。

8."Very interesting reading it might be made, too, " remarked Sherlock Holmes, sticking a small piece of plaster over the prick on his finger.“读起来一定也很有趣,”歇洛克•福尔摩斯说着粘了一小片膏药到他的手指上刚才戳伤的地方。

9."As you prick, look for patches of dead grey skin, for nails beginning to turn black, " said Haldon.当你戳的时候,找找有没有坏死的灰皮,指甲最先会变黑。

10.Prick the bottom of the pastry case all over with a fork. Return to the fridge for anther 30 minutes.用叉子插几个小孔在塔皮上,然后放入冰箱在冷藏30分钟。