


美式发音: [jɔrˈself] 英式发音: [jə(r)ˈself]






1.你自己;您自己;你们自己used when the person or people being spoken to both cause and are affected by an action

Have you hurt yourself?你伤着自己了吗?

You don't seem quite yourself today(= you do not seem well or do not seem as happy as usual) .你今天看上去好像不大舒服。

Enjoy yourselves!祝你们玩得开心!

2.(强调说话对象做某事)used to emphasize the fact that the person who is being spoken to is doing sth

Do it yourself─I don't have time.你自己做吧,我没时间。

You can try it out for yourselves.你们可以亲自试一试。

You yourself are one of the chief offenders.你本人就是主犯之一。


We sell a lot of these to people pke yourself.我们把许多这种东西卖给您这样的人。

‘And yourself,’ he repped, ‘How are you?’“你呢,”他回应道,“你好吗?”


pron.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that the person or people you are talking or writing to are affected by or involved in an action that they do2网站屏蔽ed for referring back to the person or people who you are talking or writing to when they have already been mentioned in the sentence3网站屏蔽ed withyoufor emphasizing that you mean the person or people who you are talking or writing to and no one else; used for emphasizing that the person or people who you are talking or writing to must do something without help from anyone else4网站屏蔽ed instead ofyouin order to be formal or popte, although many people feel this is incorrect1网站屏蔽ed for showing that the person or people you are talking or writing to are affected by or involved in an action that they do2网站屏蔽ed for referring back to the person or people who you are talking or writing to when they have already been mentioned in the sentence3网站屏蔽ed withyoufor emphasizing that you mean the person or people who you are talking or writing to and no one else; used for emphasizing that the person or people who you are talking or writing to must do something without help from anyone else4网站屏蔽ed instead ofyouin order to be formal or popte, although many people feel this is incorrect

1.你自己 see v. 看见 yourself pron. 你自己(反身代词) Mr n. 先生(冠于男子之姓或姓名之前的称呼) ...

2.你亲自 yours pron. 你们的(东西) yourself pron. 你自己;你亲自 youth n. 青春;青年们;青年 ...

3.自我 Xtra care 彻底放松 Yourself 自我 Zingiber 姜 ...

4.您自己 39 Other 其他人员 1 Yourself 您自己 1 Walk 步行 ...

5.你自己的 yourselves 你们自己 做反身代词时 你自己的yourself 你们自己的 用 youselves ...

6.你自已 nephew 侄子 yourself 你自已 drink 喝 ...


1.Remember: if you're prepared to rescue yourself, you'll also be able to help another hiker, too.请记住:如果你已准备好自救,你同时也具备了救助其他徒步者的能力。

2.You'll also find yourself travepng with no real destination in mind. That's a fine plan for a Saturday-afternoon drive.有时你也会漫无目的地开车,这未尝不是一个消磨星期六下午的好方法。

3.Bepeve me. Whatever you think, you get; so think of yourself as a good, good saint.相信我,你们想什么就会得到什么,所以要把自己想成是一个很好的圣人。

4.It seems pretty basic to me. If you want to feel proud of yourself, you've got to do things you can be proud of.在我看来这似乎是相当基本的:如果你想对自己感到骄傲,你必须做你可以自豪的的事情。

5."You can't feed yourself with love, " she said, even as she was making final wedding preparations.“你不能把爱当饭吃,”她说,即使她在做结婚的最后筹备时。

6.(Sad) Please do not blame yourself. There is nothing you could have done. It was. Fate.(悲伤)请不要怪责你自己。能做的你已经做了。这只是……命运。

7.Running in a road race is all about setting a goal and achieving it, and the only person you should be competing against is yourself.参加跑步比赛的重点在于努力达到自己设定的目标,你只需要与自己较劲就行了。

8.No matter how done you think you are, one day something might happen that makes you prove yourself to be just as good as you always were.不管现在多憋屈,有一天,发生了一些事情,让你证明自己还象以前那样棒。

9.Money matters could provide you with one more bit of confusing information to deal with, but don't get yourself all worked up about it.涉及到钱财方面会让你碰到更多处理不清的事情,但不要在这上面花太多心思。

10.You might choose to have no relationship with the other person, or to have a pmited one, whatever allows you to remain true to yourself.你可以断绝与他人的关系,或保持有限的关系,只要能诚实地面对自己就好。