


美式发音: [kənˈvɜrdʒəns] 英式发音: [kənˈvɜː(r)dʒ(ə)ns]



复数:convergences  同义词反义词





n.1.a situation in which people or things gradually become the same or very similar

1.收敛 occurrence 发生,出现 convergence 会聚,集中 coherence 粘着 ...

7.汇流的汇流 (convergence). 所谓乱世出英雄, 谁能趁产业产生大变革时,逮住机会趁势而起, 谁就能得到丰富报酬. 例如:华硕: DOS->W…

8.汇聚功能汇聚convergence)显然是驱动因素之一:五年前行动电话手机还只是单纯的手机,是简单的分立式设备,现在的手机却 …


1.The study found out the mural vorticity to be very important and to have to be wellhandled otherwise the result would not be of convergence.研究过程中发现,壁面涡量的确定方法非常重要,处理不当会引起计算结果发散。

2.A convergence in the market and even those who do not have to hide, to be a strong president and strong opponents of it?一个在商场上连收敛和隐藏都不懂的人,能成为一个强有力的总裁和强有力的对手吗?

3.Call it a rare case of trans-Atlantic convergence.说它是一例罕见的跨大西洋的收敛性。

4.He pointed out that Asian companies seem to be leading the way in terms of the convergence of business with design.他认为亚洲企业似乎在设计与商业的融合方面做得更好。

5.Algorithm tests show that this algorithm can improve the speed of convergence efficiently and is good at global searching in solution space.算法测试表明:改进后的人工鱼群算法提高了收敛速度,增强了全局搜索能力。

6.The battles of yesteryear, he said, were over, and there had been a "broad convergence of vision. "他说,去年的争论已经结束,经济学领域现在有了“明朗的一致的观点”。

7.There should be a clear convergence here between the perspective and responsibipties of the Bank and the FSA.在英央行和金融服务管理局的视野与责任之间,应该有清晰的会合点。

8.Monotonic sequences are pleasant to work with because their convergence or divergence is particularly easy to determine .我们乐意处理单调递增数列或单调递减数列,因为特别容易确定数列的收敛或发散。

9.However, the convergence of US and Chinese interest rates threatens to turn that into a loss-making proposition for Beijing.不过,对于中国政府而言,中、美利率的趋同效果,可能使得上述操作成为一种赔钱的做法。

10.The simulation results prove that this algorithm has high tracking velocity as well as high convergence velocity and small stationary error.仿真结果表明,改进的算法能够获得快速的跟踪能力,也具有较快的收敛速度和较小的稳态误差。